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Q: Will red bull keep THC in your system longer?
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Does red bull clear THC out your system?

Does red bull clear thc out of your system

Will red bull clean the THC out of your system?

Red Bull is a High-Caffeine Energy Drink. This means the Caffeine in the drink won't "Clean" THC but it will help get rid of it more quickly.

Does red bull get THC out of your system?

No it can't cuzz THC stay in you fat. If wanna get THC out just work out alot and drink fish oil 2000mg every 12 hour for at least 3-5 day

Will you have a clean urine test in 23 days of smoking marijuana?

you should unless it is a hair follicle test

How get THC out of your system in less than twenty four hours?

It's not possible. it lasts longer in your system than anything else out there.

Why do your THC levels stay high when you have not smoked?

Because the thc gets stored in the fat cells in your body. The more fat you have on your body, the longer it will take your body to completely process it out of your system

If you smoke dried marijuanna leaves can it show up in you system?

It doesn't matter how you ingest THC wet dry or COOKED in brownies it will show up. THC will stay in your system longer than most others because of the content of the drug.

How long does marijuaina stay in the system?

THC lasts longer in the body than any other drug. It can be detected for months.

Is it true that the lighter you are it takes a longer time for weed to leave your system?

Actually THC hides in fatty cells.the fatter you are longer it takes to be drug test clean.

What can you get to clean your system out from weed?

Niacin is a large part in cleansing your system of THC. THC stores into the fatty tissues of your body therefor, doesn't come out like alcohol (by peeing). Red-bull, most multi-vitamin suplements, and cranberry juice. (: best of luck.

How long does it take marijuana with high THC levels to be out of your system?

It takes about a month for the THC to be out of your system.

Does get the red out eye drops take THC out of your system?

No. Only time will remove THC from your system.