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Q: Will saints be able to see God in heaven?
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Can you see God when you die?

There is no evidence for heaven, so it depends on faith. Christians believe you will go to heaven and see God. Atheists believe there is no heaven and no God.

After you die if you do go to heaven can the person who goes to heaven see heaven?

Heaven is the state of being united completely with God in eternal joy, there is nothing to see, you are in the presence of God, nothing else matters. You can see Our Blessed Lord, who is in His human body for all eternity, and thus, I guess, you can certainly see heaven if you can see Jesus.

Are you able to see Jesus in Heaven?

----------------------- We know nothing about heaven, even whether it really exists. What we can do is hope that we will see Jesus in heaven.

What is something which no one can see?

God. Heaven. Angels.

Who made the you?

The Lord, God in heaven is the creator of me, you, and everything you see or don't see:)

When Catholics die and go to heaven will they see God?

Anybody who dies and goes to heaven will "see" God as that is what heaven is - being with God. One will "see" Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, with your eyes, as He has a human body, and will for eternity. You will "see" the Father and the Holy Spirit only with your mind (what is called spiritual vision) as They do not have bodies and are entirely spiritual.

Why do we celebrate All Saints Day?

Catholic answerEveryone who is in heaven is a saint - be definition, there is no way you can see God without being perfect. We know that there are far more people in heaven than are on the calendar (the people who we celebrate as Saints), therefore to celebrate all those who have gone to heaven but do not have their own day on the calendar we celebrate All Saints Day. All of those who have died in the grace of Jesus Christ, loving God, and with no mortal sins on their souls are going to heaven but many did not die perfect - as saints. God, in His infinite mercy purifies this people so that they can enter heaven. They are certainly not consigned to hell just for not being perfect. They died in a state of grace, attempting to attain perfection. The process by which God purifies these souls is know as purgatory. We don't know a whole lot about it, just that there is a stage between death and heaven in which God purifies them. The Bible clearly teaches that they are helped by our prayers, thus we remember them on All Souls day and pray for them.All Saints' day was instituted to honour all saints, including those who have not been canonized. All Souls' Day was instituted for the souls in purgatory. The Mass on that day is offered for them.

Can you see out of hell into heaven?

We won't be able to see the world as it is now. God, in His mercy, will erase all memories of our time here. Whether we can see other things, probably. As for hell, there are no windows or doors, just unending torture.

Why is Mary's the queen of angels and saints?

This is traced back to the Queen Mother in ancient Israel. In Israel it was not the King's wife who was the Queen, it was his mother, we see this from the time of Solomon. Thus the King of Heaven if Our Blessed Lord, and His Mother reigns as Queen.

What will you see when you dead?

If you are a Christian you will see Jesus. If not, you will suffer for eternity. In heaven, there is Jesus and God and there is no tears or pain.

What does John Milton want to do God?

he wants to see whether he can talk to Him to see if He will open for him the gates of heaven

Do Aztecs have a heaven?

Well it depends if we have a heaven or not, so we would have to figure out first, if we have a god or not to see if the Aztecs have a god or not, but I would answer yes because they have billions of gods now and back then.