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No second cut hay often has more nutrients in it than first cut hay. But if the horse is overweight or not working much then first cut hay would be better if the horse will eat it.

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Q: Will second cut hay hurt the horse?
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Is first cut hay better than second cut for horse?

Yes as the quality is better and horses are fussy about what they eat. 2) First of all there is no "correct" answer; the qualilty of any hay depends on many factors: weather, drying conditions, and at what point in the life cycle the grasses are cut, to name a few. An old farmer once described the difference to me as follows: first cut is like the main course; second cut is like dessert. They like the second cut better, much better, but the first cut has more body and fills their stomachs up quicker.

How much does is cost to get hay cut?

The cost of horse hay will vary from region to region. But you should expect to pay $5 to $20 for a 40 to 150 pound bale of hay. Remember to always feed horse quality hay in accordance with the horses weight and not by the flake.

What offers the most nutrious meal first or second cut hay?

Generally second cuttings are of better quality.

Can you cut away mildewey hay and feed the rest to my horse?

No, you should never do this as you cannot be certain that you have gotten rid of all of the bad hay. It is much safer to throw it all away and get new hay.

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Is Jig Hay OK to feed a horse?

You can feed Jiggs Hay to a horse. Jiggs Hay is a hybrid and designed to be easy to grow, and more nutritious for the horse.

What is the term given to the second crop of hay harvested in one season?

The second cut, or cutting. In New England, the second crop is called a rowen.

Why is there grass in your bundle of hay?

There is grass in that bundle of hay because that's what was cut and gathered up as hay. A little extra grass in a bale or bundle of hay isn't going to hurt anyone or anything. Pretty sure the cows will enjoy it just as much as there was no grass in the hay you're feeding them.

Does horse feces turn into hay?

No, horse feces does not turn into hay. Horse feces is composted and it turns into horse manure. This is used as a fertilizer.

Will peanut hay founder a horse?

Any hay can founder a horse, it is not what the horse eats but how much it eats. Some feed can founder a horse faster than others. Peanut hay is one of those.

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