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Q: Will sex hurt less if you use tampons when you have your period?
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Does putting in a tampon hurt im really scared?

Inserting a tampon should not hurt - being a virgin makes no difference as to whether it will hurt or not because sex doesn't change your vagina in any way - if scared there's no reason to use tampons. When it comes to inserting tampons you're in control so if you do start to feel pain then you just have to stop and address the cause of the pain. As long as you're relaxed and use tampons correctly it shouldn't hurt.

What is a myth about tampons?

A common myth about tampons, which continues to this day despite sex education...or maybe it speaks for how bad sex education that tampons can 'take' your virginity. Virginity refers to whether or not someone has had sex, there is no physical change when a person has sex and nothing about tampons can effect your virginity - only consensual sex can effect virginity.

Can it hurt your butt if you do it in it?

If you are talking about anal sex; yes it can, but it can hurt less with proper lubrication.

When is it safe to use tampons after a d and c?

You can use tampons a week after a D&C. Until then, no sex or tampons.

What happens if the bride has her period?

She'll have to wear pads and tampons. I don't recommend having sex during the menstrual period, because it's dirty, messy, or even dangerous because of germs. Hopefully, her groom will understand.

Can your period be late if you have protected sex a day before your period?

Your period can always be late whether you have sex or not. You are not likely to be fertile on the day before your period, and the fact that you used protection gives you even less reason to worry.

Can you get pregnant if your on birth control pills but the man ejulates in you the week of your period?

Sex can lead to pregnancy, but sex while using BCPs is less likely to happen, on your period or not.

Can a girl get eaten out even if she's on her period?

Yes, a woman can receive oral sex even when she is on her period. She may want to use internal menstrual products like tampons, softcups, soft tampons, diaphragms, or sponges to stop the blood leaving her body so that her partner doesn't swallow it - this could make their partner ill.Obviously if not in a monogomous relationship with a clear STD screening it's important to practice safer sex by using a dental dam to give oral sex, which will limit her partner coming into contact with her menstrual blood.

How does it hurt after sex?

Usually it shouldn't hurt, neither during, nor after, having sex.

Do tampons hurt virgins?

Oh my goodness.... Yes!!!!! Virgins can wear tampons!!!!! It does not do anything to make you a "non-virgin" if you use a tampon. I am a 20 year old who uses tampons and am still a virgin. Having sex makes you not a virgin. So no worries! : )

Sex in hot tub does it hurt you?

No it will not hurt you.

What are there besides tampons?

Besides tampons there are also pads and cups.There are various different types of tampons, pads, and cups which are all a little different. Tampons for example can be vastly different, you may not be comfortable with conventional tampons but soft tampons or menstrual sponges are very different so may work better for you.There are also different types of cups, menstrual cups are a bell-shaped cup which have advantages such as the fact they don't leak like other options, but there are also diaphragms and softcups which are dome shaped and sit higher in the vagina so allow mess-free sex on your period.