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Q: Will sikhs rule the world
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How Many Sikhs Live in the World and Where?

There are about 25 million Sikhs worldwide. The vast majority of Sikhs live in the Panjab, a part of northern India. Sikhs live in just about every major country around the world. It is estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 Sikhs live in the United States.

Are all Sikhs from Punjab?

nope. sikhs live all around the world .. :D

How many sikism are there world wide?

There are about 25 Millions Sikhs in the world. Most of the Sikhs live in Punjab region of India.Rest of them live world wide.

What is the Sikhs rule book called?

The Sikh code of conduct is called the Rehat Maryada.

Do Sikhs still have Seva today?

Yes, Sikhs still do Seva today. If you go to any Gurdwara in the world you will see Sikhs doing seva.

Why do Sikhs believe in Onkar?

sikhs believe in ik onkar which means the creator of the world or god is one

Where is the largest population of Sikhs in the world?


What is truth for Sikhs?

God. This world is a lie.

How many Sikhs died in world war 2?

Over 80 thousand Sikhs died in the world wars and over 100 thousand were injured

How many in the world Sikhism?

there are over 25 million Sikhs in the world source wikipedia. For more information on Sikhs visit

How many Sikhs in world?

There are about 20 million sikhs in the world. Most of them in India, but there are also many sikhs in Europe, North America, and Australia.

What do Sikhs believe about tolernce?

Sikhs believe that all the religion in the world all come to the one god. (one soruce)