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Only in areas that have them. Many places don't. The sirens will only go off if the tornado is detected in time. Usually they are, but not always.

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Q: Will sirens go off when there is a tornado?
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Related questions

When does the tornado siren go off?

Tornado sirens go off when a tornado warning is issued and during their monthly test.

Why do the tornado sirens turn off?

Tornado sirens have to turn of after sounding for a bit because running them for too long can damage them.

Which places in the US have tornado sirens?

The place with the most tornado sirens would have to be tornado alley

What are some of the signals of an approaching tornado?

Tornado Sirens going off

Is the tornado siren the same as a nuclear explosion siren?

Many tornado sirens are former air raid sirens.

What are tornado sirens?

Tornado sirens are warning sirens set up in some communities that sound in the event of a tornado warning. This is an effective way of alerting people to danger if they are not tuned into a TV or radio. Many of these are recomissioned air-raid sirens from the Cold War.

When did the Blitz sirens go off?

The blitz sirens went off when radar detected enemy bombers approaching.

Does altoona pa have a tornado sirens?

Yes, mountains cannot stop a tornado.

Do all 50 states have tornado sirens?

No. While all 50 states have had tornadoes, in many states they are not a serious enough threat for there to be tornado sirens. However, some locations have sirens for other purposes.

What has man done to adapt to tornadoes?

Many areas conduct tornado drills so that people know what to do when one strikes. Towns in tornado prone areas have sirens that go off if a tornado is in the area. Some people have installed storm shelters in or near their houses and in trailer parks..

Does Manitoba have tornado sirens?

yes. the only locations with tornado sirens in manitoba are winkler, altona, and the newest ones in south winnipeg. the tornado potentional for 2012 in sothern manitoba is very high

How far can you hear a tornado alarm?

Tornado sirens or alarms are designed so that they can be heard at least five miles away. Tornado sirens are placed in cities and towns and rural areas so that people can be warned well in advance of a tornado.