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Well, this could go several different directions. He could run into someone he knows. Maybe he could run into someone he's heard about, a famous sailor that the very same thing happened too. He could have an internal conflict in which he goes mad being deprived from his friends, and family. He could be attacked and called a savage by the indigenous inhabitants of his new setting. He could become attached to the environment and then his fellows sailors could somehow discover that he is alive and return for him; by this time, he will want to stay but he'll be torn between leaving and staying. A storm could happen to hit just when he gets used to the idea of his new home. A war could break out between a neighboring nation and the character could be caught in the middle of it. I'm a writer myself, I'm not sure where you want to go with it. But there are several different directions any story can go. Just keep thinking :)

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Sure, here's a conflict idea for your short story: The main character discovers that their best friend has been keeping a dark secret from them, leading to a betrayal that tests the strength of their friendship.

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Q: Will someone come up with a conflict to my short story?
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