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Q: Will styrofoam leach into the water in a styrofoam cup?
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Why doesn't water dissolve styrofoam?

Gasoline will melt right trough a styrofoam cup.

What is the mass of a styrofoam cup filled with water?

The answer will depend on the size of the cup and, therefore, the quantity of water in it!

Will a metal cup or a styrofoam cup keep the hot water warm after a short time?

It is the Styrofoam cup as it is not a good conductor of heat but the metal cup is a good conductor of heat.

What is a styrofoam cup?

a cup made out of styrofoam...........................................................................................................................................................................

Will a styrofoam cup float or sink in water?

They would float.

What type of cup keeps water warm the longest?

styrofoam stupid

Which cup keeps water warmest after 10 minutes?

styrofoam keeps the water warm hahAHAHAHA

Does a styrofoam cup equal 3 liters?

if its a small Styrofoam cup definitely not

What cup is easier to hold with hot water a plastic one or metal?

a styrofoam cup. i tried it on my science project

Why is styrofoam cup a good insulator?

Styrofoam cup is a good insulator because it is coated with foam

What type of cup will keep water the coldest a styrofoam cup or plastic cup?

Styrofoam insulates better than a single layer of plastic. If, however, you have one of those plastic cups that have an outer and an inner "wall" with a sealed air space in between, that should work better than the Styrofoam.