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Q: Will sulfuric acid dissolve uric acid build up?
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Are onions high in uric acid?

No, onions are not high in uric acid. They give off sulfuric acid gas, which turns to sulfuric acid liquid when it mixes with your tears. Uric acid is found in blood. It is produced from Purine, which is contained in a lot of foods. It is usually found in urine that is expelled from the body. (don't mix up "Purine" with "Urine" . . . they are totally different substances)

Gout is caused by the build up of what in the joints?

Gout is the result of a build up of Uric acid crystals in the joints after uric acid in the blood reaches saturation point.

What is a nitrogenous waste for chicken?

uric acid, mammals do it in the form of urea, this process is to ensure that little water is lost

What test is useful in diagnosis of gout?

It is a test for uric acid. High Uric acid in he blood can lead to the formation of uric acid crystals which are responsible for the pain.

Separation of uric acid from urine?

The liver removes uric acid fromthe blood.

Does brown sugar contains uric acid?

Brown sugar does not contain uric acid but it stimulates the production of uric acid by the body.

Do carrots lower uric acid levels?

Uric acid is made as a result of proteins that have purines these are then turned into uric acid by the metabolism. Carrots are a low purine food and would produce only small amounts of uric acid.

Uric acid dangerr level?

Danger level of uric acid.

What will happen to the organisms if the organs do not function normally?

The main function of kidneys is to filter uric acid out of the blood, so if they are not functioning normally, uric acid will build up in the blood, eventually reaching a toxic concentration.

What blood test indicates high uric acid?

"The ''uric acid test" is ordered if the doctor suspects high levels of uric acid''

Can you feel the uric acid build up before you get gout?

No Gout comes on sudenly and without warning.

What is serum uric acid?

It simply refers to the concentration of uric acid in the blood.