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It all depends on the goals of the party and if they are popular with most Americans. One way to really find out if they will destroy America is to find and analize their goals and agenda and choose for your self :)

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Q: Will the TEA Party destroy America?
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How did the Boston Tea Party change America?

The Boston Tea Party lead to the Revolutionary War

What was to remain closed until the citizens of Boston paid for the tea destroy during the Boston tea party?

Boston Harbor

What happened as a result of the tea party?

America is free from Britain

How can you find if their relatives were participants of the Boston Tea Party?

This article on the Boston Tea Party which occurred in Colonial America in 1773 provides fast facts, history and information about the events of the Boston Tea Party.

What lead to the Boston Tea Party?

The final act that lead to the Tea Party was the imposition of a TAX on British Tea that was sent to America. This was "Last Straw" so to speak for the Colonists'.

What are five political parties in America?

republican democrat libertarian conservationalist tea party green party

What was The first known act of unconventional participation in America?

boston tea party

How did America break away from Britain?

I have no freaking clue(:

What was the colonial response to the tax on tea?

First was protesting, then the Boston Tea Party, then the Revolutionary War, then America as it is today. xp

What does tea stand for in the phrase Boston Tea Party?

It stands for exactly that: Tea. If you'll do a quick search, the Boston Tea Party was a protest against Tea Act. However, if you're referring to TEA parties being staged all over America, TEA stands for: "Taxed Enough Already".

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

Why did the sons of liberty destroy the tea party?

They destroyed the tea in protest of the Tea Act. This act required the colonists to exclusively purchase tea from the British West Indies Company. This angered the colonists because they could not purchase tea from other countries for better quality or price.