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No. depo does not cause an abortion if you need an abortion, go to an abortion provider ASAP. you can get a "pill abortion" NOT to be confused with Emergency Contraception A pill abortion is RU486 and a doctor has to prescribe it and do an ultrasound to check that you are pregnant. Emergency Contraception is over the counter for 18 and above and if you are pregnant and you take it, NOTHING happens. here is a good resource The NAF Hotline is available to answer any questions you may have about abortion, unintended pregnancy, or related issues. The Hotline is free, completely anonymous, and offers services to everyone, regardless of their individual situation. Call toll-free 1-800-772-9100 Weekdays: 8:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M. Eastern time Saturdays: 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Beware of crisis pregnancy or "pregnancy centers" they have learned to drop the crisis part... they are anti-abortion places that will scare/guilt you out of an informed choice. Certainly, you have the choices of: keeping it, ending the pregnancy, and giving it up for adoption. Lots of rich people would love to have a kid. and you can dictate the terms - meaning you can be involved or not.

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16y ago
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13y ago

No. Depo-provera is used to prevent pregnancy. It will not be given if the woman is already pregnant.

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Is it possible to get pregnant on the depo shot cause I been spotting in nipple been sore I got pregnant with my last child on depo?

If you got pregnant on your last depo shot then it should be obvious you can get pregnant taking it.

Who has been pregnant on the depo shot before?

i have got pregnant while being on the depo shot it the reason why is that my body did not take the drug how it was suppose to and i found out that when i got the shot to the time i found out i was pregnant as if i was never on it

What are some signs of being pregnant if you are on Depo?

If you are on the Depo shot then when it is time to go back and get your shot they will tell you and you won't be able to get your shot.

Can you be pregnant one depo shot then 2months no period?

It is highly unlikely to get pregnant on the depo provera. And if you are worried because you have not had a period in two months that is normal for the depo shot. It is made to stop your period

Can you be on depo shot and have a uti and be pregnant?

Yes. Depo does not prevent UTIs. However, pregnancy is very unlikely on Depo.

When you should retake your Depo-Provera shot?

You should get your depo provera shot every three months. My doctor gives me a chart every time I go in so I know the exact dates to go in for the shot. Maybe your doctor could give you one as well. They're extremely helpful!

I miss my period on depo after the second shot could I be pregnant?

It is common to have no period when using Depo Provera.

Does the depo shot fertile you?

Depo provera is meant to prevent pregnancy. it is not meant to make it easier to get pregnant.

Will the depo shot show a positive meth result on a drug test?

yes, but when you tell the doctor that you are on the depo shot, he will know exactly what you are talking about. every doctor knows depo pro vera has the same chemical makeup as methamphetamine!

What if your doctor gave you the depo shot and didn't tell you?


Is it possible to be pregnant 4 weeks after you were due for your Depo-Provera shot?

Oh yes! It is very possible. I was on it for awhile and then stopped for about a month and in between that period I got pregnant. So Yes it is very possible. Go to the doctor sweetheart.

What kind of punishment can someone get that took depo shot knew they were pregnant?

There is no danger to the pregnancy if a women uses Depo Provera while pregnant. No punishment is necessary.