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No. Because such a combination can never exist.

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Q: Will the earths axis be shifted when the sun earth and milky way are aligned?
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What galaxy contains the earths solar system?

The Milky Way, parts of which we can see from Earth curving around us.

What is earths galaxy in?

The Milky Way Galaxy

How far is the earth from Milky Way?

Zero. We are in it

How long would it take to get to the centre of the earths Milky way galaxy?

It takes 225 MILLION Earth years for the sun to orbit the center of the Milky Way once.

What is the name of galaxy of the earth?

The galaxy that contains Earth and the rest of the Solar system is the Milky Way galaxy.

How does gravity effect earths motion?

All of the earth's motion is completely determined by gravity: the gravitational pull on the earth by the sun (and the larger outer planets), the gravitational pull of the Milky Way galaxy on the sun, the gravitational pull of our local cluster on the Milky Way galaxy and so on, up the ladder.

Did the earth come before the Milky Way?

No. The earth is inside of the milky way Galaxy.

What is the distance from earth to the milky way galaxy?

Zero. Earth is in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Who is older the sun the milky way or the earth?

Milky Way Galaxy, Sun, Earth

Is it easy to get to milky way from earth?

It is very easy. Since the Earth is in the Milky Way, you don't even have to move to get to the Milky Way.

Where is the milky way compared to earth?

Interestingly, it doesn't matter whether you prefer the answer in kilometers,in miles, or in inches. The exact figure is still zero. Earth is IN the Milky Way.

How many earths can fit into the milky way galaxy?

I don't really like milky ways. Reese's cups are better.