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Q: Will the element 03 kill bacteria?
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What is an element once used in an antiseptic?

To kill bacteria.

What element is pumped into drinking water in treatment plants to kill harmful bacteria?

It's chlorine that kills the harmful bacteria in drinking water.

What element is used to kill bacteria and other harmful microo rganisms in swimming pools?

You use bottles of the element chlorine diluted water.

What element is used to disinfect water?

are you asking what element is used or how it is used? if you are asking what element is used it would be charcoal. Chlorine gas has been added to kill bacteria.

Which element is a very poisonous gas named for its pale green color and used in swimming pools to kill bacteria?


What kind of drugs can kill bacteria?

The types of drugs that can kill bacteria are called 'antibiotics'.

Does aspirin kill bacteria?

No , aspirin does not kill Bacteria .

What can bacteria do that viruses cannot?

Bacteria can attack and kill cells. White blood cells can kill bacteria.

How do antiseptics work to kill bacteria?

You use them on your hands to kill bacteria. Examples are Hand sanitizers, or soap now how they work to kill them is another question, well they for example inactivate the bacteria remove them make the bacteria "blowup", and they can stop bacteria from growing.

How hard is it to kill bacteria?

it is very hard to kill a little thing that you can not see but dragons can kill bacteria

Does a steam mop kill bacteria and viruses?

It can kill germs and bacteria IF it is hot enough but it cannot kill a virus.

How does tinning food kill bacteria?

Food is cooked to kill bacteria as it is canned; the cans then keep out any new bacteria.