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The wart medication will most likely work on the dog but it is not recommended. The medication is not for dogs, especially on their head.

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Q: Will the freeze off wart med to take off viral papilloma warts off your dogs head?
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Can cats have warts?

Yes, dogs and cats develop them from being petted by people who carry the virus that causes warts.

What is A highly contagious viral disease in dogs?

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A dogs nose does not freeze in the winter because it contains a blood flow. It may not also freeze because there is warm air that goes in and out of it at all times.

What is the wart on your pugs head?

Warts can grow on various parts of a dog's body. Many are completely harmless, and while they do not look attractive, they are not dangerous. According to some sources, older dogs that develop warts should be watched more carefully, because those warts are more likely to be cancerous. With younger dogs, the most common kinds of warts form on the face, lips, mouth or eyelids. Some of these warts are caused by a virus and need to be treated by a veterinarian. The best thing to do if your dog has a wart is to take him or her to a vet to have it tested. It may turn out to be nothing, but better safe than sorry.

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Yes, you can freeze grilled burgers, hot dogs and sausage for 3 to 4 months.

What is the pablo virus in dogs pups?

Perhaps you mean Papilloma Virus? It creates wart-like growths, usually in the mouth and eye area of puppies when they get the virus.

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Why would you freeze a shih tzu!? These dogs deserve love, not to be frozen!

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They get constipated and stressed. Sometimes lost.

Do dogs get pimples or warts?

yes there is a thing called puppy warts. They can get them on their faces around their mouth. This is common in Boxers and other short snouted breeds. It is called canine papilloma virus and is contagious, but like the chicken pocks in humans once they have it they cannot get it again. it looks just like a wart we would get with a cauliflower like head. Most websites will tell you they will go away in 4-6 weeks, but the problem is they can spread, and the issue is it can go into their mouth and into their throat. There is a natural remedy to get rid of the warts that you would buy in any natural food store. Lysine, is what it is called. depending on the size of your puppy you just have them take a pill a day and it helps remove the warts. please check with your vet if you have any questions....

What is the homophome for dogs feet and to stop halt or freeze?

Paws and Pause.