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If a mother ferret perceives a danger or threat to her babies, yes she will eat them. By doing so, she will come into season again to mate and have another litter.

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The male ferret mates with the female and goes his own way. The mother ferret gives birth and raises her kits alone.

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Q: Will the mother ferret eat her kits?
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Why does a mother ferret eat their young?

A mother ferret will cannibalize her young if she feels threatened. It gives her protein and she will go into heat and have another litter, instead of a predator taking her kits,

When do you introduce the ferret hob to the kits?

You can introduce the ferret hob to the kits as long as he is no longer in season.

What is the proper name for a female ferret?

A female ferret is called a Jill.A mother ferret of a litter is called a Dam.An unspayed female is a Jill, A spayed female is a Sprite.A male is a Hob, and young are called Kits.(In Germany they call kits puppies.)

What is the young one of a ferret called?


How long before you separate a baby ferret from its mother?

Baby ferrets are weaned from six to eight weeks. It is best to leave them as long as possible with the mother The female ferret called a "Dam" does all the rearing of the babies that are called "kits". She has a litter of 6-8 young (kits), 42 days after mating. The female nurses and cares for the young, the male has no role in raising the kits. The young are born blind, deaf and helpless and covered with a fine white fur, totally dependent on their mother for about three weeks. Kits weight at birth five to fifteen grams. About 3 weeks of age, the kits will began to eat solid food, while continuing to nurse. Their hearing develops and eyes are opened at about 4 weeks. Kits are mature enough to be weaned at about 6 - 8 weeks and leave the mother. Most Dam's (mom ferret) are very good mothers and will train their babies when it's time to start eating solid food, she will drag them to the food bowl, and will litter train them as well.

What is it called when a ferret has babies?

Ferret babies are called "Kits" just like baby cats!

What if your ferret is overdue her kits?

If your ferret is overdue to give birth, she needs to be seen by a veterinarian asap.

What is a ferret at birth?

Baby ferrets are called Kits.

Do ferrets eat their babies?

Not likely. Domestic ferrets imprint on their food by the time they are six months old. If they do not recognize an item as food, they generally won't touch it. So unless you regularly feed baby kittens to your ferret, the ferret won't think its food. Ferrets and cats normally get along pretty well.

How many offspring do ferrets have at a time?

Ferret litters vary greatly. A litter can consist of just 1 kit (baby ferret) or as many as 17 kits. The average ferret litter consists of 6-8 kits.It varies a lot. The ferret can have just one kit or as many as 17 kits in a litter. The average litter is 7 kits but like I said the number of babies varies hugely

How do Ferret give birth?

A ferret can have 2 litters a year with an average of 8 kits per litter

How do you know if your ferret is feeding her kits?

After the kits are born, they should suckle right away and stay attached to the nipples most of the time. If the kits are not receiving enough milk they will continuously peep. Symptoms of Jill's not feeding her kits - if her mammary glands are hard, swollen, discolored, or seem to be tender, she need to the veterinarian immediately. The kits will die within three day if the Jill doesn't have milk or not enough milk. It is very important to monitor the kits, they should gain weight daily, tripling in size in 10 days. A kit not getting enough nourishment will lose the desire to suckle, chills and eventually die. It is very important that the mother ferret receives a good high protein diet in order to produce enough milk to feed her kits. You need to have a another mother ferret that can foster the kits if your Jill is unable to feed them.