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Q: Will the stain from blue sticky tack show through new paint?
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They paint themselves with blue paint that is the consistency of UV paint and apparently it stinks!

How do you clean blue tack off paint?

srub it hard it has relly hard to taket of

What kind of stain are used to stain plant and animal cells?

Methylene blue stain is used to stain plant and animal cells.

How do you blue paint?

add a blue pigment to white paint

Does blue tack ruin walls?

i would proably say no because i have sticky tack on my wall and when we paint my dad is going to sand it to get it off or use a mr.clean magic eraser and maybe a pain scarper!!!!!!!! if you have any other ideas of getting blue sticky tack off unpainted walls please email me at

How do you make light blue?

well you can just buy light blue paint or you can get a dark blue paint and you can add white paint

Is it useful to stain the Elodea and Anabaena cells with methylene blue stain?

Yes, because the methylene blue stain makes the organelles in eucharyotic cells visible to us in a basic microscope.

How do you make gray blue paint?

Green + Blue + A hint of Grey = Grey Blue Paint :)

What is blue and smells like red paint?

Well you see color is just the rays from the sun reflecting a certain color and if its blue then its reflecting blue. but heres the tricky part since its just a reflection blue paint and red paint smell the same so the answer is blue paint.