

Will the sun become a black hole one day?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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No. The sun does not have enough mass to become a black hole. When the sun dies it will become a white dwarf.

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Q: Will the sun become a black hole one day?
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No. Since the black hole is a part of the universe it would be physically and logically impossible to suck itself into itself.

How long is a day on a black hole?

I don't think you could talk about a "day" on a black hole - for a start, nobody could survive in a black hole, to observe such a day. But if you refer to the rotation, one black hole has been observed that seems to spin over a thousand times per second. This rotation, of course, can be different for other black holes.

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A pulsar will not become a black hole because they do not implode and that is one of the key features of a star becoming a black hole. a pulsar is highly magnetized and gives off a beam of electromagnetic radiation, when viewed from a distance it will look as though it is flashing.

What is a black hole and how does it act?

A black hole is formed during a supernova (when a red giant star explodes)--the star collapses in on itself and creates a black hole. Then the black hole can move around or stay in one spot. They suck in everything around them (stars, planets, ect.) There is one black hole in the center of every galaxy. When two black holes come in contact, they create blue and red colors (one black hole is blue and one is red). If i remember correctly, they eventually become one, after circling around each other.

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Is sun going to be a black hole?

No, it's not. This is because the sun simply is not massive enough to become one. In order for a star to become a black hole, it's mass needs to be greater than about 3 solar masses.

Is the sun going to end up as a black hole?

No, it's not. This is because the sun simply is not massive enough to become one. In order for a star to become a black hole, it's mass needs to be greater than about 3 solar masses.

Who is anis ansari?

it is really your hole the black one it is really your hole the black one

Do you have any knowledge of black holes and how big they can become?

if you put every thing in one place it is absalutly going to create a black hole

Which black hole did you visit?

No one has ever visited a black hole.

Who discovered the black hole or how was the black hole discovered?

Your use of "the" black hole seems to indicate that you are thinking about one specific black hole. Please clarify which one - there are several known black holes, discovered at different times.

Are you certain to die if you went into a black hole?

No-one can be really sure because no-one has actually been into a black hole and if they have then they havn't returned to tell us if they're dead or not. So for now, this is just a matter of guessing, will you or will you not die if you went into a black hole? Maybe one day we will find out but until then, we can't be sure.