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yes, the sun is fully affected by pollution on earth even though it is so far away that you will never reach it

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Q: Will the sun ever burn out because of pollution?
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How close do you have to the be to the sun to burn?

you have to stay here on Earth have you ever hear of a sun burn.

Do meteors ever strike the sun?

Yes, they burn up instantly

How does skin go red?

because when the sun hit's it it burn's and goes all red if you were talking about sun burn.

Did mercury ever been set on fire by the sun?

No. While the day side of Mercury is quite hot, it cannot burn because there is nothing flammable there.

What is the white stuff under sun burn?

If it's a bad sun burn than it can be puss, or just skin. Ever wonder why your skin feels hot when you have a sun burn? That's your lower skin layers still burning, it can last for days!

Why can't I touch the sun?

Because you would burn.

Has anyone ever gone to the sun?

No has ever gone to the sun because it is to hot

Who was the 80th person on the sun?

Um.... No one has ever been on the sun..... You'd burn up way before you reached it.

Is earth ever going burn because of the suns heat?

The sun will eventually go nova, before becoming a white dwarf. Everything around will be vaporized.

How powerfull is the sun?

Really powerful because if the sun landed on us we would burn.

How does the sun burn out?

because of its too much HEAT LD!

Why is the sun better source of energy than oil?

Because sun light is renewable.Oils are nonrenewable and they create pollution