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At present cosmologists think that dark energy is ripping the universe apart despite the force of gravity so the answer would be NO. However some cosmologists do not accept that dark energy is real and if this is true the answer would be "we do not yet know".

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Q: Will the universe eventually contract because of gravity?
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Closed: Is where there is sufficient gravity to halt the expansion of the universe, after which is slowly starts to contract until "The Big Crunch".

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Everything that has mass has gravity - so virtually everything in the Universe has gravity.

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Gravity affects all of the objects in the universe, but then again, gravity doesn't affect the universe.

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Gravitation is the only force that acts universally.

What are the different types of universalism?

There are three "simple types:* Closed: Is where there is sufficient gravity to halt the expansion of the universe, after which is slowly starts to contract until "The Big Crunch". * Open: Is where there is insufficient gravity to halt the expansion of the universe and it continues expanding and accelerating until it reaches either "the big freeze" or "big rip". * Flat: Is where there is insufficient gravity to halt the expansion of the universe and it continues to expand but slowly, ending the same as the open universe scenario.See link for further information.