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Yes there was. The Season 10 finale.

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Q: Will there be a 4th Family Guy chicken fight?
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Family guy chicken reference?

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Will there be a chicken fight in Family Guy season 9?

This question cannot be answered as nobody here has insight into the ideas of the writers. -- As it turns out, there were not.

What is the name of the music that play during the Chicken fight in Family Guy?

It's not named music, it's just music composed for the show.

In Family Guy during the Chicken Fights what is the music that plays at the end of the fights a reference to?

the music means the fight has been postponed until another day but not ended

Who is the Giant Chicken from Family Guy?

The giant chicken's name is Ernie.(His wife's name is Nicole)

When did they invented family guy video game?

They invented the family guy video game on Wednesday 4th October, 2009

Who makes robot chicken?

seth green (Chris Griffin in family guy)

In family guy who does peter hate the most?

meg.and your mumActually, it's the chicken

Is family guy a better show than robot chicken?

There are a great many shows that are watched more than Family Guy & Robot Chicken, too many in fact for someone to list them all here and too many for you read. Might I suggest going to the website, TVbytheNumbers and checking out the weekly ratings.

When and where has Family Guy ever referenced Pokemon?

They haven't.You might be thinking of Robot Chicken.

What came first Robot Chicken Star Wars or Family Guy Star Wars?

Robot Chicken did because at the end of the family guy one their is mention of Robot Chicken beating Family Guy's story but he is told they already did make one. -- Although it should be noted that they were originally going to be aired around the same time of Star Wars' 30th Anniversary but FOX decided to postpone the air date of Blue Harvest.

In which Family Guy episode does Joe fight the Grinch?

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