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Q: Will there be a rainbow if the sun is shining when it snows?
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Is a rainbow caused by the sun shining through raindrops?


How is a Rainbow Visible?

it is when it is cloudy and warm when it starts raining you can see it but the sun has to be out shining behing the rainbow a rainbow is like rain in front of you a rainbow is made by rain and sunshine and clouds

Is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow I already know it?

there is no end of the rainbow. It is just an illusion from sun shining on a transparent object at a 45 degree angle.

The sun shining through droplets of moisture to create a spectrum is called?


How are rainbows foarmed?

By the sun is shining and the rain is falling the droplets form the colours of a rainbow

Is it usual for Niagara Falls to have a rainbow?

When there is sunshine, shining on the moisture that rises from the falls, a rainbow can be seen. As the moisture rises it can also turn to water and fall as a short shower on a sunny day. The sun shining on that will also cause a rainbow. So on any good day it is possible to see a rainbow there.

How is the rainbow began?

A rainbow is the result of the sun shining through water drops in the air along a line between you and the sun. The raindrops act as small prisms, separating the light into its many colors.

Where the sun is shining or were the sun is shining?


How many minutes does a rainbow last?

As many minutes as there is sun shining on rain droplets and you are standing in the right position to view it.

What is the negation of the statement The Sun is shining?

The negation of the sentence the sun is shining would be that the sun is not shining.

What conditions are necessary for a rainbow to occur?

In order to see a rainbow, the sun must be shining in one part of the sky, and the water droplets in a cloud or in falling rain must be in the opposite part of the sky.

What three things have to happen in order for you to see a rainbow?

First, the sun must be shining. Second, the sun must be behind you, and third, there must be water drops in the air in front of you.