

Will trees protect you from lightning?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Possibly, because they are taller than you. DO NOT stand under a tree in a thunderstorm, but stay a short distance from a tree and make yourself small - crouch down.

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Does lightning protect?

No lightning cant protect it only destroys.

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Where does the Lightning strike?

at trees

How do people protect themselves by lightning?

stay inside away from the lightning.

Where does lightning strike the most?

at trees

What do you need to do when lightning?

Protect the high buildings, structures from lightning using lightning spike, lightning mast , earth wire.

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because lightning attracts to wood

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The lightning hits trees, then the heat makes the fire.

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lighting like trees because of there branchs.

Can you protect buildings from being struck by lightning?

Yes, install a lightning rod.

Who invented the lightning rod which helped protect building from lightning?

Benjamin Francklin

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Benjamin Frankiln. To protect buildings from lightning