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No how is that possible

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Q: Will using ice mountain water make your fish grow more than using tap water?
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it will defenitly grow healthier in water but mountain dew will probably make it grow faster since it has carbination in it and it will make the seed hyper.

Which fish is smaller in the impossible test water?

FIrst you press smallest fish then the fish will grow smaller

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Duckweed can grow in any water that is good enough to sustain live fish.

Can paperwhites grow better with fish water or tap water?

Yes because fish water has nutrients that tap water doesn't have that acts like a fertilizer.

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Mountain Dew will make them grow faster because it is carbonated and that will make the seed hyper.

Why do fish swimm?

Because there too stupid to grow legs and get out of the water

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Will koi fish tail fin re-grow itself or regenerate?

Depending on the damage, a fin can grow back provided the fish is cared for properly and the water is clean

What gas level is critical in water for fish to grow and survive?

That would be oxygen

What are ways you can protect fish?

There is one way I know to protect fish is by building fish farms. There are large tanks that grow fish and control and regulate their growth, their food, and the water they grow up in. There are many advantages and many disadvantages as well.

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The piping in water from elsewhere and using it for crops is Irrigation.

Can betta fish regenerate scales?

Yes a betta fish will grow back lost scales with time and clean water.