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It depends first of all on what sort of Arthritis you have what it is in the knee that is damaged and what sort of surface you are walking on. you should seek advice on this question with a medical professional that understands you particular needs. Exercises properly done can alleviate a lot of arthritis suffering.

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Q: Will walking make arthritis in knees worse?
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What are the best knee exercises to do for arthritis?

Any form of gentle exercise will be good for arthritic knees, especially swimming, where there is no jarring or pressure. Stretching and walking will also help. Kneeling or bending too much can be painful and possible make the arthritis worse. Your local gymnasium should have qualified staff able to suggest a good exercise regimen.

Will walking on a treadmill make arthritis in the knee worse?

It depends on the specific problem that the arthritis is causing. It would be best to have it checked out by a medical professional first. exercise can be very goo in delaying the need for treatment in the case of many forms of arthritis.

Help me make my knees not hurt?

Please state why your knees hurt? Is it an injury? Is it arthritis? It makes a huge difference, so please rephrase your question.

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many people say it does.

Will walking with a torn ligament make it worse?

Yes. Walking, running, or any weight bearing at all could make it worse and maybe chronic. See your doctor and use crutches to stay off it.

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Lack of certain vitamins can definitely cause arthritis or make your symptoms worse. Here is a link to a webpage with some useful information.���7-Vitamins-Every-Arthritis-Sufferer-Should-Know-About

Does cold temperature increases arthritis?

No, while the cold can make one more aware of a painful joint at times it wont bring on or make the affects of the disease worse.

What is the best form of exercise for a 62-year-old man?

It depends what you are used to doing. The simplest (and cheapest) forms of exercise for anyone who is not used to it are walking and swimming. Walking is free, just make sure you are wearing good shoes as it can affect the joints etc and pounding pavement can make things like arthritis worse. If you have arthritis swimming takes the weight off the joints but still gives you a good workout. The only downside is you have to show your body, however many pools have specific 'Senior Swim' times, so you are all in the same boat.

Is eating sweet things bad for rheumatoid arthritis?

No one has proven that any specific foods cause rheumatoid arthritis or make the symptoms worse. Some people with rheumatoid arthritis claim to feel better if they avoid foods that come from the nightshade plants such as tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and egg plant.

What is a good diet to limit pain from rheumatoid arthritis?

A diet that would help you would be one that helps prevent the symptoms of your condition from getting worse or more painful. Also, try to stay away from foods that will make your symptoms worse.

Should you walk on a swollen ankle?

Walking is not usually good if you have swollen ankles. It is best to prop your legs up and let the swelling go down.

Can you have bad infected teeth pulled while you have rhuematoid arthritis?

Yes, as a mater of fact that would be a wise thing to do as infections in your system when yo have RA have a tendency to make thing worse.