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There is absolutely no reason for it to do this.

If anyone can actually think of any reason, please make a note of it somewhere.

Wind, moving shadows from turbine blades, and noise can affect cattle movement and eating profiles. All of these can have an impact on milk production from the herd. More study is needed to determine how significant the effects would be. Stating categorically that there is no reason for for wind turbines to affect milk production requires one to ignore the environmental realities of wind turbine operation.

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Q: Will wind turbines affect the produce of cow's milk?
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Do cows lay eggs or milk duds?

Cows don't lay eggs, or milk duds. Cows have calves and produce milk. Bulls produce semen to fertilize the cows.

What cows produce milk?

All cows (mature female bovines) produce milk.

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holsteins.they are black and white cows

What kind of cows do not produce milk?

All cows (those female bovines that have had at least 1 calf) produce milk, whether it's for human consumption or not. However, "dry cows" are cows that do not produce milk, whether they are bred or open and don't have a calf at side.

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Cows produce milk through cells and glands located in their udder that secrete the fluid called milk.

Could cows produce chocolate milk?

Unfortunately, no. Not real cows. Fictional cows, sure.

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How long do cows produce milk after giving birth?

Cows will produce milk for as long as a producer (dairy or beef) needs to have them produce milk, whether it's a time frame of around 6 to 10 months or longer, depending on their type and class of the cows and the producer's management criteria. The time frame, on average, is between or either 6 to 10 months.Dairy cows tend to be milked longer than beef cows due to the fact that they're selected to produce milk, not raise a calf. Beef cows will produce milk as long as they have a calf on them.

What kinds of cows produce good fat?

The dairy cows that produce milk with the most butterfat content are Jerseys.

Do cows need to lay down to produce milk?
