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Q: Will you be entitled to have a refund if buying a use car at a different price and found out that it was on sale but did not give you the sale price at the time when you bought the car?
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Related questions

Am I entitled to a refund?

You may be entitled to a refund if you have overpaid someone. If you paid for services you weren't happy with, or didn't receive, you may be eligible for a refund.

Can you get a refund for your car after buying it I bought a car and now I'm regretting it I've had iit for 12 hours can i cancel the contract?

The "Lemon Law" gives you 72 hours to return anything you have bought that is not described as "defective" or "as is."

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Who should get a refund after someone's death?

What type of refund are you looking for. If you or the person bought an item that you no longer need or is broken you can get a refund that way, within reason of course. You cant and shouldn't look for a refund from any used medical items or gifts that were given to this person. If your talking about having paid for someone's funeral and you were not given the items that you paid for or the service was poor and you can prove it, then you may be entitled to a refund but have your info ready. Other than that I don't know what refund you are seeking.

How do you get a Bershka refund?

Go up to them and give them your receipt ..Stay there if they don't give you a refund your entitled of these remedy credit note or a refund , or just go looking for a ombudsman.

You bought a shirt from supre and you want a refund how do you get one?

If a shop, take the recipt back and ask for a refund, if online, ring up for a refund.

How do you get a refund from carinfo1com?

If you bought a vehicle history report, then you can't get a refund. If you never bought it, contact your credit card company, tell them that is was an unauthorized charge, and ask them to reverse it.

If you file a bankruptcy 7 in August what happens with your tax refund that you may be entitled to the next year and thereafter?

If the debtor is entitled to receive an income tax refund or a similar nonexempt asset in the near future, he or she should not file under chapter 7 until after the refund or asset has been received and disposed of. Otherwise, the refund or asset will become the property of the trustee.

Can IRS take your refund for court ordered debt?

Yes, the IRS is entitled to dock a refund for a variety of things, including court ordered debt.

Can you request refund of attorney fees if unsatisfied?

Yes, you can request a refund from an attorney. Most attorneys will not give you a full refund, but may give you a partial refund. If some of the money was for filing fees, you won't be entitled to receive those back.

What do i do if a game i just bought for xbox isn't a compatible game?

A game bought for an Xbox will always work for an Xbox. Unfortunately, buying an Xbox 360 game will not work for a normal Xbox system. But most stores will give a full refund and/or a swap. Hope this helped.

How do you pay IRS when they overpay your refund?

I received my refund. The amount is $300.00 over the amount I was entitled to from my tax return. I want to know who to contact to properly return the $300.