

Will you get high by smoking nutmeg?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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Yes however you need to smoke a huge amount and it will last several days, it is also very harsh on the lungs, not ideal for a good high.

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Q: Will you get high by smoking nutmeg?
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Can you die from smoking nutmeg?

Nutmeg is actually fairly toxic, but the amount of nutmeg that would need to be smoked makes dying from smoking it unlikely, especially since some of the active compounds are destroyed by heating. Smoking nutmeg is generally not advised, as the effects from nutmeg are usually undesirable and unpleasant.

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no it cant just like smoking nutmeg cant just like smoking nutmeg cant. trust me. i expeirienced it

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What are the effects of smoking ground nutmeg?

very bad for your lungs!

Is getting high from eating nutmeg bad for you?

You will probably get very sick after getting high, it is a very miserable experience to get high off nutmeg. Also there is a chance you could die. Getting high off nutmeg is really dumb. The oil in the nutmeg that gets you high can kill you if you eat to much of it. Don't get high off nutmeg because you will regret it. You will get sick and could possibly die.

What will smoking nutmeg do to you?

Smoking nutmeg has similar side effects as eating it in large quantities (two tablespoons or more). The side effects vary from person to person, and some people don't experience any form of a high at all. Some people that do experience a high, don't like the feeling, and others prefer nutmeg over marijuana or LSD. Nutmeg has a chemical composition of myrista oil, Myristicin (which is chemically similar to the hallucinogenic, mescaline), and Elemicin (which is chemically similar to prescription antidepressants). Scientists believe that when these ingredients enter the body, they get converted to methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) a.k.a. by its street name, Ecstasy. It takes several hours for the side effects of nutmeg to fully kick in. The high has been described as being mild, like being drunk or buzzed on marijuana, to being an extreme dream like, almost LSD induced high. After taking it three or four times, it doesn't take as long for the high to kick in, and the high is more potent. Other side effects of nutmeg include dry mouth, thirst, vomiting, increased heartbeat, paranoia, and disillusion.

Will ground nutmeg get you high?

Oregano is great with tomatoes but it will not get you high.

Can store bought ground nutmeg get you high?

yes it can

How long do it take nutmeg to bear fruit?

465789 miles high

What is a food which will make people or the eater go high - No Drugs please?

There are some food that depending on how there are ingested can make a person feel the effect of being high on drugs without being on drugs. Smoking a banana peel can give that effect; morning glory seeds even nutmeg can make someone feel high.

Can nutmeg mixed with milk get you high?

Nutmeg does contain psychoactives but does not need to be mixed with milk. Mixing with milk is purely an attempt to make dosing easier. A dose of 5-20g of nutmeg is needed to produce recreational effects.

Can you smoke nutmeg and get high?

No, if youre really desperate eat a lot of it