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Yes, that's how I became skinny (not really ). My mom became skinny by doing that so that is an absolute YES!!!!

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Q: Will you lose weight if you eat proteins and carbohydrate at different meals?
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Is it good to eat fruits for all the meals a day?

No, this is very unhealthy because you will not get the different types of nutrients you need. You should have fruit as a snack daily, though.Fruits do not provide proteins which are essential in the diet. A balanced meals should have all major nutrients like carbohydrates,proteins,fats and minerals and vitamins.These can be provided by taking cereals,pulses or meat, milk or milk products, vegetables and fruits and nuts, during different meals of the day.

What can you do if you are losing too much weight on the carbohydrate addict's diet?

The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet book lists several different options for the diet based on how much weight you are losing. The best thing for anyone on this diet would be to read the book in its entirety before starting the diet. One of the things it says to do if you are losing more than you should is to eat a small non-carb snack in addition to the two complimentary meals and one reward meal each day.

Where can I look up information regarding the juice weight loss diet?

The juice weight loss diet basically replaces your meals with juice drinks. This does not sound like a healthy diet, as juice is high in sugar and contains no proteins.

How many proteins should a child have?

at least 5 meals a week

What type of people rely on high protein meals?

Healthy diets should include proteins. However, high protein diets are extra important in cases of wound healing and weight loss.

Why are vegetarian meals effective in reducing weight?

Vegetarian meals are effective in reducing weight for many reasons. As vegetarian meals are higher in plant-based foods, they contain less calories when compared to meat-based meals.

Are weight loss meals delivered?

If you are wondering whether or not weight loss meals are delivered to your house because you really love to eat, then the answer is no that they are not.

Do prepared meals help you lose weight?

Prepared meals like the Nutrisystem plan can help you to lose weight if eaten how the plan teaches. One can eat the prepared meals and also overeat on other things, slowing their weight loss progress.

Where can I find out more about meals weight loss?

Along with exercise eating right can really help with weight loss. Here is a website that has a list of 10 foods in each food group to help have a healthier diet and you can create meals with the different foods,

How will your body respond if you start skipping meals?

If you skip meals you gain weight because the body has to have a regular amount of meals ( precisely 3 meals ) and it is bad for your body . So have a regularity of meals !!! Essentially, if you skip meals the body eats the fat. when you then eat, the body converts it all into fat incase you starve it again, making you actually gain weight. if you want to lose weight, eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. make them healthy meals and snacks, though.

How do you use proteins?

we use them to balance out meal before we go to bed and in between meals

Should you skip meals to lose weight?

No! If you eat three balanced meals a day and three healthy snacks, that is the best way to lose weight