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In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit.

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Q: Will you loss your parental rights if I allow my child to live with her father in Florida?
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Does sd allow a father to terminate his parental rights to his children?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can a mother refuse to allow a father to give up paternal rights?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can a child at the age of 14 ask that his non-custiodial father to allow him to be adopted by his stepfather-texas?

Yes, you can ask but not demand him to give up his parental rights.

How can a mother sign over her parental rights if she don't know who the father is?

Parents can not sign over their rights permanently. They can go to court and ask to have them terminated but they usually only allow that in case of adoption. In this case, if no father is not known and no other relative steps up, the child will go to foster care IF the court would allow her to terminate her rights.

Do you have to allow your children to go with the father if he lives with someone you do not know?

He is not required to introduce you to the person he lives with. If he has parental rights, you can't deny them because you don't know who he lives with.

Can a mother object to fathers parental rights being terminated if she is on welfare?

Yes you can object. Generally a court will only terminate a parent's rights in order to allow a legal adoption to proceed or in cases of extreme abuse or neglect. A father cannot ask for his parental rights to be terminated simply to avoid paying child support.

Would the father of the child be able to go to South Carolina and sign out his daughter from school and take her to Georgia and get temporary custody?

You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.

Does the state of Texas require payment of child support if the parental rights of an adopted child are signed over?

If you are the father, and have signed an agreement to allow the adoption, than no. You have neither rights, nor responsibilities. But, court approval is required.

How can you make him sign over his rights if he has child visitation?

You can't make anyone give up their parental rights. And in some states, they wont allow it at all, unless the child has another adult willing to adopt the child. The father can however, relinquish his parental rights while still paying child support, this might be a good option in your circumstance.

Is if easy for a father to terminate parental rights las Vegas?

It's not easy unless you have good reasons to. Usually they only allow it when the child is being adopted. And you still have to pay child support.

How do you get parental rights if you have never been married?

You get parental rights by being the parent of a child. Marriage has nothing to do with it. If the other parent won't allow you contact with your child, you must file in civil court.

How can a father relinquish his parental rights in Ohio?

No. To voluntarily relinquish parental rights in the US, you must be able to give a 'good cause' reason for it. One good reason would be in preparation for the child to be adopted. Trying to avoid responsibilities such as paying child support is not a good reason, the application would be dismissed.