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Q: Will your hair break out if you wash it 3 times in one day?
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Related questions

How many times should a person wash there hair?

It's more reasonable to wash your hair every other day, but it's suggested that younger kids wash their hair every other day, and teenagers and older should wash their hair every day.

How many times do you wash your hair after a perm?

When you first get a perm, wait 48 before you wash your hair. After that, you can wash it every day or as needed. I wash mine every day because my hair is very fine. It all depends on your hair type.

Can you wash your hair after 1 day?

Yes. It is recommended to wash your hair every second day as this prevents greasy hair. If you need to wash your have after one day then do, but not regularly.

How do you clean verry greasy hair?

Just wash it like 10 times in a day!

How many times you wash curly hair?

I wash my own curly hair about twice per week. I then use a curly hair mousse to get rid of frizz. If I've been out on a windy day, or somewhere that I can get sand, dirt, or pollens in my hair, I'll wash it afterward.

Should asians wash their hair everyday?

I have very straight hair that is hard to curl. I usually wash between 1-2 times a day. Twice (in morning when I get up, and then before I go to bed) if I'm under a lot of stress or am sweating/exercising a lot. My hair gets very oily, and I tend to break out a lot on my scalp.

Should you wash hair the day of highlighting?

yes you can wash your hair. nothing will happen

How many times should you wash your hair if you shower everyday?

1 time - when lol you should wash your hair every other day other wise it will damage your hair people might say wash it as much as you can but it actually does it no good xx once a day and only wash it when it gets greasy - but wash it straight away, eww other wise, lol! xx

I work out every day. I have thick hair and sweat. Is it okay to wash my hair every day.?

A lot of people think it is ok to wash your hair every day, let me just tell you they are wrong it breaks your hair. the most is to wash it every other day.

Do you have to wash your hair everyday if you are trying to get waves?

well there are many different ways of getting waves. aldolf Hitler washed his hair once every night and Barack Obama waashes his hair 3 times a day but i dont wash my hair for 2 weeks then wash it about 4 days a day for 2 days. repeat this step for about 4 weeks and yea you will have waves in your hair

Do Sikhs wash their hair every day?

Some Sikhs wash their hair every day. Some wash it once or twice a week. It depends on personal preference.

How often should I wash my hair?

Although I wash my hair everyday, it is said to wash your hair every other day in order to keep the natural oils and not dry out your hair.