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Not if it is the father.

yes they will I had it happened once if he the father. And so will mom just so she can mate again, you need to keep them apart until the puppies are weaned (6 weeks).

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Q: Will your male dog eat your female dogs pups?
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What is the name of a young female dog?

A young male or female dog is called a PUP or a Puppy.A female is called a bitchthe male a DogA group of pups is a Litterand a group of dogs is a Pack

What is a name of a young dog?

A young male or female dog is called a PUP or a Puppy.A female is called a bitchthe male a DogA group of pups is a Litterand a group of dogs is a Pack

What is the name of a young female?

A young male or female dog is called a PUP or a Puppy.A female is called a bitchthe male a DogA group of pups is a Litterand a group of dogs is a Pack

Do female dogs need to have a male dog to born pups?

Um, considering dogs are neither starfish nor amoebas, i'd say, yeah, a male IS necessary for sexual reproduction.

What are male and female dogs?

A Male dog is called a Dog, and a Female dog is called a Bitch.

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Vixen.A female fox is called a vixen.Baby foxes are called kits (some times pups)A male fox is called a dog.

What do they are used for male dogs and female dogs?

A male dog is a Boy and a female dog is a girl. If they breed, then they could have puppies.

Who is more aggressive is it the male or the female?

It depends on which species you're asking about, and it depends on conditions. For humans, for example, in a random situation the male is statistically more aggressive, but in defense of hearth and home, the female is likely to be more aggressive.

Do male dogs recognize their pups?

Yes. Male dogs will recognize pups as such and will generally behave differently than they would toward an adult dog.

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female dogs are 'bitches', male dogs are just 'dogs'

Are male dogs better behaved than female dogs?

No actually a female dog is more calm. so the female dog is better behaved than the male dog

Why does my male dog protect my female dog and her pups?

Because he is the father and has a bond to protect the mother and babies like humans do. And even if it doesn't go that deep, he knows the female dog and pups are part of the household and matter to you. Dogs tend to get a sense about what is appropriate in a house, and they can tell when something isn't right.