

Wings that look like flippers

Updated: 11/17/2022
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7y ago

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A penguin has wings that look like flippers. Penguins (several species) use their flippers to swim under water.

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Related questions

Why do peguins have wings that look like flippers?

I think because they can swim (flippers) but can't fly (wings)

What is the fuuncition of the animal that has wings that look like flippers?

to steer in the water

Why do sharks have wings that look like flippers?

Well if you were smart like me you would know that when the flippers make contact with hot water it vibrates and turns rainbow colored, Then the shark flies up and that is how rainbows are created

How does penguin move?

On land they waddle. In the water they swim using their wings like flippers.

Is there a species of bird that has no wings?

No. In birds such as Penguins, the wings have become flippers.

What are penguins wings called?

The wings of a penguin are actually called flippers. They use them to swim and propel themselves through water. Penguins can not fly.

Do penguins have wing that look like flippers?

yes they do

How are turtles supporting on the water?

Their flippers are kind of like a bird's wings so they work in the same way.

Which birds wings has been modified into flippers?


Why do penguins need their wings?

Like a plane, it has wings for balance through the pressure, same with penguins. they're not actually wings they're flippers, they use them for prepulsion and balance in the ocean when swimming.

How many feet do penguins have?

Penguins have 2 webbed like feet (like ducks). They also have 2 wings called flippers.

Do penguins have fingers?

No. Penguins are birds, and birds do not have fingers. Penguins have wings, which they use like flippers, and they have webbed feet.