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Q: Wisdom tooth nerve problem should it be removed?
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Is it normal that even though I had my wisdom tooth pulled 3 days ago I still can not feel my tongue?

Sometimes when lower wisdom teeth are removed, the nerve that is used by the tongue is bumped or bruised. It is most often temporary, but it sometimes can take several months to heal. Let the dentist who removed the teeth know about this complication.

Is it normal to experience Neck pain right under the jaw after a wisdom tooth removed?

no but if it is numb then there is nerve damage

Is there a major problem with a hole in a wisdom tooth?

Yes there is a problem. It means that you have a major cavity and you should have your wisdom tooth checked right away. The dentist would either tell you to do a filling on it if it is out enough and if the cavity is not too deep. The other alternative would be to extract it.If the tooth is well out and the cavity is into the pulp chamber (nerve), you might save your tooth by doing a root canal on it. That needs to be discussed with the dentist.By Cyberanto

How severe can nerve damage be after ganglion cyst is removed?

it hurts

What is a Nerve biopsy?

It is a medical test in which a small portion of a damaged nerve is surgically removed and examined under a microscope

Which Nerve supplies the third molars?

Your third molars, or wisdom teeth as they are often called, are supplied by the inferior alveolar nerve (lower thirds) and the posterior superior alveolar nerve (upper thirds), which are branches of the Trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve.

Can a lingual nerve damaged during wisdom tooth extraction be repaired?

It depends on how badly damaged the nerve is. If it is completely severed, the likelihood of restoration of complete function is low. If the nerve is simply bumped or touched, it will usually heal on its own within 12 months. The most frequent nerve damaged during wisdom tooth extraction is actually the mandibular nerve, which runs through the lower jaw and provides sensation to all the lower teeth on one side.

Can a car accident cause nerve damage and how serious should I take it?

Yes, it can. It can range from a minor problem to a deadly one. Talk to a neurologist.

How do you get rid of a pinched nerve from the foot?

You should first see a doctor to confirm you truly have a pinched nerve in your foot. if it is a pinched nerve, avoid all strenuous activity until the pain subsides. Often, taping or bandaging the foot for a few days will take care of the problem.

Why ear hurt after wisdom tooth pull?

It happens. Was/is it a lower wisdom tooth? The inferior alveolar nerve travels through the lower jaw, this is the nerve the dentist "numbs" to work on a bottom tooth. Lower wisdom tooth problems often cause an ear ache. It could be an infection, it could be the nerve was bruised, it could be do to normal healing with a little swelling. Tell the dentist/oral surgeon.

Is it normal to have pain all down the side of your jaw if you had your wisdom teeth removed by a oral surgeon?

The pain is normal for up to two weeks. If there is a tingling sensation though that may mean that the doctor nicked your the nerve that runs along the jaw, that might not ever go away.

How do you know if you should get medical marijuana?

To get a cannabis card is around $150 if you have a serious muscle or nerve problem like Chiari, Medical Marijuana can help you.