

Witch country gets their presants first from santa?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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the country closest to the north pole or the one he likes the most

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Q: Witch country gets their presants first from santa?
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38 Ft

Is santa delivering presants yet?

Not till December 25th sorry.

Did your parents make up Santa Claus?

yes cause i found presants that said santa bought it but it was in my moms secret closet and i found it, but santa might have connections with your parents and they keep the presents in the house but santa will take the presents and put them under the tree on Christmas eve.

What country does santa first deliver?


How do you get a dand witch to visit Santa?

you go to the mall where you see santa at x mas and take your dand witch

What is the first country Santa Claus delivers to?

the first country Santa visited was Canada because the north pole is just around the corner from Canada. also, Santa clause probably went to the united states after Canada.

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How does bring your Christmas presents?

If u mean how does Santa bring us are presants then he has 8 raindears and they fly how do they fly? They don't have wings or anythink they r just magic but they are connected 2 santas slay but the leader is rudeof the red nose raindeer y cos he has a red nose that helps see the way lol and Santa has a huge sack filled with childrens presants including urs and he goes 2 every single house and lays their presants lol kk hope this helps sincerely Bethany kearns the emo xXx

What was the country that the first Santa Claus was born?

I heard it was Turkey.

How can you find Santa?

well you have to look for a candy cane mail box at the north pole.SANTA IS REAL!santa dont excist now.his real name is st nick.he used to live in the 70s.he did not fly with riendeers. he walked pooor only he gave presants. not the ones that are rich.he did not go around the world in one night.he only give at were he was born in a place called nicholas.elfs dont excist too. mum and dad are like mrs and mr santa clous now.nickgave small presants because he was poor too.

Why do cristmas presants go under the cristmas tree?

because if they don't go under the Christmas tree then Santa clause (who is not real but I'm just putting him in) won't give you toys