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No, but one hopes the parents are a bit flexible and don't only think about having equal share but also care about what the child wants. He is the one who have to move every week so even if he is only 7 you should hear him out. You should also be prepared for that with him getting older he will probably turn more to one parent and then the other. The needs change as he grows. But choosing is something he can not legally do until he turns 18.

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Q: With joint custody can a child decide to stay an extra night with one parent over the other at the age of 7?
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If an adult child moves into her boyfriends' house does the custodial parent still get child support?

Unless there are unusually circumstances, once a minor becomes an adult under the laws of the state in which he or she lives (or as stated in the support order) child support ends. If he or she has established residence outside the custodial parent's home with the approval of the custodial parent, the obligated parent should petition the court to have the support order amended or rescinded. Child support money is for the support of minor children and not "owed" to the custodial parent. The custodial parent does have the legal right to sue the obligated parent for any arrearages or "extra" expenses incurred while the minor child was in his or her care.

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If he wants his parental rights he must establish his paternity legally by a DNA test. He can then petition the court for shared custody, visitation and pay child support. The mother has sole legal custody of her child until then.

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Only if she did not have parental rights when the man dies. Otherwise she automatically gets custody unlesss she is unfit. It is assumed the couple was not married. In the United States an unmarried biological mother already has legal custody of her child unless her parental rights have been affected by a court order. If the child was living with the father, his family may petition for custody and in that case the mother should contact an attorney who specializes in custody issues or visit the family court and ask to speak with an advocate.

Can a noncustodial parent not pay child support because he paid for child's clothing?

Absolutely not unless that specific provision is recited in the child support order. He must pay his court ordered child support in full. Any other items he provides for the children are simply his way of helping. He does not get to decide how the child support must be spent by deducting his purchases from the amount owed. He actually owes it to his child to provide whatever help he can over and above child support. The custodial parent does numerous extra things for the child every day.Absolutely not unless that specific provision is recited in the child support order. He must pay his court ordered child support in full. Any other items he provides for the children are simply his way of helping. He does not get to decide how the child support must be spent by deducting his purchases from the amount owed. He actually owes it to his child to provide whatever help he can over and above child support. The custodial parent does numerous extra things for the child every day.Absolutely not unless that specific provision is recited in the child support order. He must pay his court ordered child support in full. Any other items he provides for the children are simply his way of helping. He does not get to decide how the child support must be spent by deducting his purchases from the amount owed. He actually owes it to his child to provide whatever help he can over and above child support. The custodial parent does numerous extra things for the child every day.Absolutely not unless that specific provision is recited in the child support order. He must pay his court ordered child support in full. Any other items he provides for the children are simply his way of helping. He does not get to decide how the child support must be spent by deducting his purchases from the amount owed. He actually owes it to his child to provide whatever help he can over and above child support. The custodial parent does numerous extra things for the child every day.

Do you have to repay extra child support payments made by the father?

No, if the father of your child has given you extra money, it is considered a gift and does not have to be repaid. This is why it is recommended that no cash be exchanged between parents and only through a child support recovery unit.

Do you think a child born with extra fingers must keep them or must it be removed?

I think the decision should be left up to the child, or the parents. If the extra fingers aren't bothering the child in any way then let them decide when they're older what they would like to do.

Does the person with partial custody have to provide their own clothes?

It doesn't hurt to have extra things for your children when you have them for visits. This way you can simply wash what they wore upon arrival, and send them back to the other parent in those clean clothes. This avoids arguments about who bought what, and the child ends up with a larger wardrobe selection.

Can a mother win against a narcissist in custody court?

Custody cases are not argued nor decided on the basis of narcissism. You need to focus your attention on the factors courts use to decide custody cases rather than trying to win custody by berating the other parent. You need to consult with an attorney in your area who specializes in family law. The following are some examples of what factors courts use to render decisions in custody disputes in Tennessee. Most states have similar guidelines.The court will consider the following factors:(1) the love, affection, and emotional ties between the parents and child;(2) the importance of continuity and the length of time the child has lived in a stable and satisfactory environment;(3) whether there has been any domestic violence or physical or mental abuse to the child, spouse, or any other person and whether a parent has had to relocate to avoid such violence;(4) the stability of the family unit;(5) the mental and physical health of the parents;(6) the home, school, and community record of the child;(7) the reasonable preference of a child over 12 years of age;(8) the character and behavior of any person who lives in or visits the parent's home and such person's interactions with the child; and(9) each parent's past and potential performance of parenting duties, including a willingness and ability to facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent-child relationship with the other parent.The courts generally review who performed day to day parenting tasks:Who fed, bathed and put the child to bed.Who got the child ready for the day, packed their lunch and got them to school or to the bus.Who attended all the school conferences, plays, etc.Who brought the child to the doctor and dentist visits and stayed home with them when they were sick.Who brought them to school events, sports, birthday parties, play dates, extra curricular activities.Who took the child shopping for clothes.Who helped with homework.

Who should pay for extra curricular activities in a joint custody situation?

this can but should not be tricky. a court order can easily solve this problem but mainly it is up to both parents to decide what is best for the child. if the activity is agreed upon then consider a simple mediation to solve the problem then both parties can sign an agreement.

Does my ex husband still have to pay child support but now quit his job?

It depends on the state you live in but most states use the same calculation for child support. The calculation figures in the percent of time each parent has physical custody of the child, a comparison of each parents wages and any extra costs for the child(ren) such as daycare and health insurance. For example: If you and the father exercise physical custody the same amount of time (50/50) and your salary is greater than his then you would more than likely be paying him child support but if you pay for their health insurance and daycare then those would be deducted accordingly and like wise for him.

What happens when parent sells property to child a couple of weeks before entering a nursing facility in NOrth CArolina?

That means that the parent gets some extra money and the property stays in the family.

Can you take your children to Mexico if you have full custody?

Generally the parent who retains full custodial powers of minor children does not need permission from the non custodial parent in issues relating to the child/children. The terms of the custodial order determine what a parent may or may not do concerning minor children. If there is not a specific stipulation pertaining to the issue at hand it would be prudent for the custodial parent to discuss the matter with a qualified attorney before taking any action. If you have sole custody, you can travel with your child unless there is a specific agreement in the divorce decree that you need special arrangements with your ex before international travel. Also, you should get each of your children a passport. Any large post office can assist you with obtaining a passport. Where moving children around affects the ability of the other parent to visit the children it is very common for the law to require that the other parent either agrees to the move, or is compensated for the extra travelling to the new location in order to continue the visiting arrangements. Full custody is never to be regarded as permission to block or hinder visitation.