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you are a sucker to look upon my answer cause i don't know anything about this shit.Don't be bewildered after reading this answer because you never know what to we will see there's always a surprise for you!

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Q: With reference to relief drainage and economic importance explain the differences between the northern and western mountains of Pakistan?
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Does India or Pakistan have more mountains?

pakistan have more mountains

describe the importance of northern and north western mountains?

The northern mountain barrier influences the precipitation pattern in Pakistan by intercepting monsoon (rain-bearing) winds from the south while the Western Mountains: are bare of vegetation.

Are there a lot of mountains in Pakistan?

yes. there are

What are the names of the mountains in Pakistan?


Why are there no volcanoes in Pakistan?

All of the mountains found in Pakistan are dead. The research reveals that there are no live volcanos in Pakistan.

What is the length of northern mountains of Pakistan?


What is the name of the mountain range in Northwest Pakistan?

northwest mountains of Pakistan are hindukush ranges

Which is the tallest mountan in Pakistan?

Hindukust range of mountains. The highest peak in Pakistan is K2

The tense situation between west Pakistan and west Pakistan did not arise because of?

economic differences

What are the drainage features of northern mountains of Pakistan?


What are names of mountains that start with the letter T?

· Teram Kangri (China) · Teton Range of the Rocky Mountains (United States) · Tirich Mir (Pakistan) · Trivor (Pakistan)