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Q: Word that means anxious or determined to a fault....almost pathologically intent on doing something?
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Related questions

What is the difference between anxious and worried?

Anxious is when a person start to fear something and is a disorder. Worried is when you have something on your mind and cant keep it off.

What is an other word for nervous?

Dread something.

What does it anxious mean to be anxious?

On edge; uneasy. A state of anticipation. Trepidation.

Why do you get aggressive when you are anxious or nervous about someone or something?

When anxious or nervous, the feeling u get is from the increased levels of adrenaline. Adrenaline then makes you angry.

A sudden wish or desire to do something?

anxious or anxiousness :)

Can you ask what is the meaning of anxious?

Full of anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous, esp. respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense; -- applied to persons; as, anxious for the issue of a battle., Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying; -- applied to things; as, anxious labor., Earnestly desirous; as, anxious to please.

What is the difference between these two words intimidated and anxious?

A person who is intimidated has been rendered timid or fearful by some threat. An anxious person is worried about something. Anxiety is a much more general type of state. That is to say, any intimidated person will be anxious, but not all anxious people have been intimidated.

What is the superlative of anxious?

The comparative and superlative forms of anxious are more anxious and most anxious.

What is anxiousness?

Anxiousness is the state of being anxious - nervous, worried, or concerned for something or someone.

Distinguish between the meaning anxious and eager?

Eager means have a great desire for something, while anxious means worried or tense. An example of a sentence using both words would be... He was eager to know the exam results but anxious incase he had failed.

What does the word Antsy mean?

Antsy is a slang word meaning impatient and anxious. It probably derives as a conflation of the word anxious and the expression "having ants in the pants," which is said of a person over-eager to begin something.

Another word for need as in your need for soccer?

Longing. Means showing strong feeling or wanting/needing something - "I am longing to play football" / "I long to play football".Anxious. In the context of being anxious for something. "I am anxious for football to be on".Dying for. An idiom meaning you really strongly need or want something. "I am dying for football to be on the TV".Desire. In the context that one desires to have something. "I desire to play football". / "playing football is desirous".Keen. Means wanting to do something. "I am keen to play football later".