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The adjective form of 'self-reliance' is 'self-reliant'.

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Leonora Pfannerstill

Lvl 10
2y ago
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9y ago

When asked for unique words that describe who you are during a job interview try and use words that expose confidence and a willingness to learn new skills. Words like, 'fast learner and team player' are good examples. You want to leave the impression that you are the best qualified and will give your best everyday.

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16y ago

It really matters on your personality. Strangers trying to help give advice cannot describe you or someone else that you want to describe. Think about the qualities you/they possess and think of some words that can be used!

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15y ago

You might be looking for onomatopoeia; these are words where the sound of the word describes the meaning of the word - some examples are "buzz", "clang", "click". What you're really looking for is autological. Autological words have the property they define. "Humongous" for instance, could be considered autological.

The antonym for autological is heterological. Heterological words do not posess the property they define. "Big" is heterological.

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16y ago

awsome cool radical lame boring

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