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I need help with the wording of the wording of my wedding invitations. I have been married for a year ( a civil service) and am now receiving the sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic church in July.This is being called a Convalidation of Marriage. There will be a full Mass, as well as a reception that follows. My husband and I are responsible for the Mass, but my parents are hosting the reception. help!

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Q: Wording for wedding invitation for Catholic mass?
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Here is the complete order of the marriage Mass: Catholic Wedding Help.

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No, you can still have the Mass if the non-Catholic agrees to your oath of raising children Catholic and all the other requirements of the Carholic marriage. However, the non-Catholic cannot receive Holy Communion.

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The Kyrie Eleison is in Greek but not commonly used during Mass these days in favor of the English penitential rites.

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Under normal conditions a Roman Catholic cannot substitute a Coptic Mass, which is an Orthodox Church, for his Sunday obligation to assist at a Catholic Mass unless there is no Catholic Church in the area. However, a Catholic may attend a Coptic wedding or funeral in the same way he may attend a Protestant funeral or wedding.

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Yes, you can choose to have a wedding ceremony with or without the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

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Roman Catholic AnswerCandles at a Wedding usually are just the normal candles used at Mass, as most Catholic weddings should take place with a Mass. Often the Paschal candle may be used, at the discretion of the pastor. The candles on the altar are required and both represent the light of Christ and respect for the Mass itself. "Unity candles" are not an approved option for a Catholic wedding.

What are the sacraments of a Catholic wedding service?

If it is simply a wedding service, only the Sacrament of Matrimony is received. If the marriage is held as part of a Mass, then the Sacrament of Eucharist is also received.

Wording for wedding invitation at a Nuptial Mass?

From "Crane's Blue Book of Stationery: The Styles and Etiquette of Letters Notes, and Invitations": Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Doe request the honour of your presence at the nuptial mass at which their daughter Jane Ann and Mr. James Philip Madison will be united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony Saturday, the fifth of June Two thousand and ten at seven o'clock Saint Vincent Church Bridgeport, Connecticut

CAN A NON-catholic participate in a wedding ceromony?

Yes; the non-catholic can be a witness ( best man, etc.) but for a Mass cannot receive communion. The non-Catholic can even be the bride or groom with proper paperwork filled out and certain oaths of the Catholic party witnessed

What is a mass wedding and a double wedding?

A double wedding is when 2 couples get married, but a mass wedding is when several couples marry at once.

What was Romeo and Juliets wedding ritual?

The actual wedding ceremony is not shown in the Shakespeare play. Such ceremonies never were, probably because it would be considered blasphemous. However, since everyone in Romeo and Juliet was Catholic, we may assume that it was a Catholic ceremony, probably with a private mass attached.