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Q: Worms all appear to be closely related but have distinct evolutionary histories resulting in the classification of worms into phyla?
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Rabbits and rats are two distinct species with different characteristics and evolutionary histories. While they may share some similarities in their appearance, behaviors, and dietary preferences, they have distinct anatomical, physiological, and behavioral differences that set them apart. Additionally, rabbits belong to the order Lagomorpha, while rats belong to the order Rodentia.

What family is Protista Plantae Fungi and Animalia in?

They are in different families because they represent different kingdoms in the classification system. Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia belong to separate taxonomic groups based on their distinct characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

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The 5 Kingdom classification system helps organize living organisms into distinct groups based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships. It provides a broad framework for understanding the diversity of life on Earth, aiding in the study and classification of different species. However, the system has limitations as it does not encompass all living organisms and some groups may not fit neatly into the five kingdoms.

What is the genetic difference between an aborigine and an African?

The genetic difference between an aborigine and an African lies in their distinct ancestral origins and evolutionary histories. Aborigines are indigenous to Australia and have genetic markers that trace back to early migration patterns in the region, whereas Africans have genetic diversity that is linked to their long evolutionary history on the continent. These differences are reflected in variations in gene frequencies, haplotypes, and genetic admixture patterns between the two populations.

Why would grouping animals by colour be an unsatisfactory method of classification?

Grouping animals by color is an unsatisfactory method of classification because many species can have a wide range of colors or patterns within their population, making it difficult to create distinct and accurate groupings. Color is often influenced by factors such as environmental conditions, age, and health, rather than evolutionary relationships. Using color alone would not provide enough information to classify animals based on their genetic relatedness or evolutionary history.

How do genetic contents of cells resulting from mitosis different from meiosis?

The four daughter cells resulting from meiosis are haploid and genetically distinct. The daughter cells resulting from mitosis are diploid and identical to the parent cell.

What does the word natural occurrence mean?

Presence of a substance in nature, as distinct from presence resulting from inputs from human activities. ...

What are the four group that living thing can be classified with?

that depends very much on who you talk to, but, plant, animal, bacteria and fungus are a good place to start. they some things might slip through the cracks, like red algae which is a very simple plant, and some of the simpler bacteria have independent evolutionary histories from their more complex cousins so they might be considered a distinct kingdom, but those four should do you.

What are the black panther's classification features?

There is no distinct species known as the black panther. It can be a melanistic (black) jaguar or a melanistic leopard.

What domain is eukarya not in?

Eukarya is not within the domain Archaea or Bacteria. These two domains are distinct from Eukarya in terms of cellular structure, molecular makeup, and evolutionary history.

What types of information caused scientists to add the level of domain to the system of classification?

Scientists added the level of domain to the classification system based on new information from molecular biology and genetic sequencing. These studies revealed significant differences in the genetic material and cellular structures of organisms, leading to the recognition of three distinct domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. This reclassification reflected our improved understanding of the evolutionary relationships between organisms.