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Marijuana is one of the drugs that is tested and will show up in a hair follicle test. The more recent the usage, the greater chance of detection. If you are searching for employment, it might be best to discontinue your use of drugs since more companies are requiring testing these days.

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Q: Would 5 or 6 puffs of pot show-up on the hair test?
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no one 5mg pill will not put you over the threshold

Would someone test negative if they had only had a few puffs about 3 weeks ago?

Puffs of marijuana? Chances are you will still test positive.

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If you smoked about 4 weeks ago and just took 6 puffs will it show in the hair test?

Answer: Hair tests show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing - this is why you see so many drug addicts with shaved heads.

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Yes, 90 % will show and usually they only go back 3 month but its not uncommon to test longer.If your Job or freedom is on the line don't risk it

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No Trazodone would not appear as cocaine in a hair follicle test.

Can a person pass a hair follicle test if they took 3 puffs of marijuana or sat in the car w someone who did 2 12 months ago?

No. They can tell ya if you smoked 2 years ago.

Will two puffs of marijuana show up on a hair test?

It might. THC metabolites, which are the chemicals the tests reveal, can stay in your system for quite a while. Two hits might not put you above the test threshold. On the other hand...

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Yoiu would fail the test.

If you have hair extensions will they prevent you from being positive in a hair drug test?

No, hair extensions are made from the hair of homeless junkies that sell their hair for meth. Using this hair in a drug test would definitely give a positive result.

If you injested 12 gram of cocaine and took a hair test 30 days what level would show up on the hair test?

norcocain cocaine BE cocaEthelyn all would be BIG ..

Will you pass a drug test if you took 2 puffs of weed 12 days ago and don't smoke often?

Likely not, depending on the type of test used, THC can show up on a drug screen for 7 to 30 days. If a hair test is used, any body hair can show use for up to six months.