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Q: Would America would have prospered into one of the most powerful countries had it not been for the economic prosperity of slavery?
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What do powerful countries do when they exhibit economic imperialism?

Answer this question… exploit natural resources and control trade in weaker countries

What did Mahan believe national security and prosperity rested on?

On a powerful navy

How was imperialism after the industrial revolution similar to imperialism in periods of history?

In both forms, powerful countries dominated weaker ones for economic gains.

What the relationship between Economics and banking and finance?

Banking finance is a part of economics which is backbone of any countries economic growth, monetary stability and helps countries to become underdeveloped to developed and powerful too.

What decides what economic activities develop in certain countries?

There are A LOT of factors influencing this. The way society behaves and the effect thereof are the most powerful decisive factors.

With how many nation-states do powerful countries interact with today?

Powerful countries interact with many other countries; that is the nature of international politics.

How does a country's economic strength affect countries around it?

A country's with high economic strength, such as the hegemonic strength of the United States, often leaves countries around that country at a disadvantage, but those same countries benefit from the economic power of their hegemonic neighbor. The reason for this is due to the state's motives to retain their economic power. For instance, Mexico and Canada's economic power are mediocre in comparison to the United States, but they still both highly benefit off trade coming from such a large economic power being so close. Trade routes are cheaper, tariffs are lighter, and there are a plethora of resources that the neighbors have easier access to. Also, the country with high economic strength often benefits off these good relationships because of their own national security. Countries that surround a powerful economic state:1) Benefit off of the trade coming from that country; tariffs are lighter, resources are vast, shorter trade routes allow cheaper transportation 2)Become disadvantaged through competitive foreign policy acted out by that power economic state(Powerful states don't want to lose power to their neighbors) 3) Countries often become dependent economically on their powerful neighbor due to the access of a high amount of resources, and since its better for the powerful neighbor to appease their surrounding countries than to anger them(for the sake of national security), relationships are often maintained at good standard. Vice versa if a country is surrounded by a weaker country

Is the US powerful or is Israel powerful?

Both countries are powerful, but the United States is orders of magnitude more powerful.

Why is the EU considered a major economic force in the world?

An abundace key of natural resources waterwaysand ports make Europe an economic power -the national geographic 6th grade book for MA

Where a powerful country controls several less powerful countries?

This situation is known as imperialism or colonialism, where a powerful country extends its influence and control over less powerful countries for economic or strategic reasons. It often involves political domination, economic exploitation, and cultural imposition on the less powerful countries.

3 importance resons why nations trade?

there are 4 powerful economic reasons for countries to trade: - Comparative advantage (Able to produce something more efficiently than other countries) - Economic of scales (lower cost due to specialization and mass production) - International competition => beneficial for the world - Spread of technology Other non economic reasons -Increased consumer choice -Political and social gains due to trade treaties (Peace between countries who trade)

Why do great countries have great armies?

Great, or powerful, countries have great, or powerful, armies in order to keep their power. Military power is usually used to exercise one's power in either defensive and/or offensive terms. However, economic power also ties into being a powerful country. For example, the US has the world's most powerful army and the world's largest economy, and is the reason why the US is the world's most powerful country as a whole. However, although North Korea has the world's largest army, its economy is terrible, and this is one reason why North Korea is not such a powerful or influential country in the world.