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Q: Would a baseball size tumor on a lung be cancer?
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A tumor that develops in the lungs may be a sign of what?

Lung cancer.

Could a tumor that develops in the lungs be a sign of bronchitis?

No, a tumor in the lungs is a sign of lung cancer.

Can you get cancer from cancer?

Yes, cancer cells can leave the tumor, enter the bloodstream, and end up somewhere else in the body where they form a completely new tumor (this is known as metastasis). For example, if a person had lung cancer, the cancer could form new tumors in the brain, or digestive system. Even when new tumors form, the cancer is still named by its origin, so it would still be called lung cancer.

How did Walt Disney die and what caused his death?

He smoked for a long time. But he died from a tumor on his lung. He got his whole lung removed and was told he had only 6 monthes to live.

What progression does lung cancer follow?

lung cancer occurs more frequently in the upper lobes of the lung than in the lower lobes. The tumor receives blood from the bronchial artery (a major artery in the pulmonary system).

Are lung nodules cancerous?

If the tumor is spreading then yes it is cancer and if it is concide only in limited area then not.

Whats spots in lung tissue?

A spot on the lung tissue can be caused by scarring or from a benign tumor. It can, but does not always mean lung cancer. Asking your physician is the best course of action.

When did Walt find out about his lungcanser?

Walt found he had lung cancer on November 2, 1966, when his doctors found he had a tumor on his left lung when he checked in for neck surgery.

What is mouse Lewis lung cancer?

Mouse Lewis Lung Cancer is a cell line discovered by Dr. Margaret R. Lewis of the Wistar Institute in 1951. This tumor originated spontaneously as a carcinoma of the lung of a C57BL mouse. It's also called 3LL and LLC and is used as a model for lung cancer in animal studies.

Is a lung cancer grammatically correct?

It really depends on the context. If you were saying, "NSCL is a lung cancer." Then, yes, you would be correct. But in a sentence like, "A lung cancer is..." then you would be wrong.

Mistaking operable tumor for inoperable one?

This happens in very rare occasions, because medically competent surgeons would know the difference between an operable and inoperable tumor. This can be done by using the scoring system that is used for Lung Cancer, TNM (Tumor, Nodes, Metastasis).

Does a patch on the lung mean cancer?

Patches on lungs can mean a variety of different things. Some of these include cancer, an fungal infection or bacterial infection or a tumor.