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if it gets REALLY REALLY bad possibly. if the cage is pretty dirty,it could make the guinea pig sick or it isn't good for him/her. Most likely it wont kill the guinea pig.

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Q: Would a dirt cage kill guinea pigs?
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If a rooster wanted to it could easily kill a guinea pig.

Why cant guinea pigs lay or be put in a cage with ceadar?

They can not have cedar bedding because it has toxins in it that can kill a guinea pig.

Will temperature over 100 kill a guinea pig kept outside in a cage?

yes it can kill them , they can become dehydrated more quickly , if it that hot i would move the cage into a garadge or in the house with cooler system make sure it doesn't get too cold

Will having a dirty cage kill a hamster?

Then your cage and the room it's in gets all smelly and your guinea pigs is walking around getting dirtier every step. They also could get sores on their feet or get "sick" feet. Don't forget to trim your guinea pig's claws also!

Will a ferret eat a guineapig if in the same cage?

A ferret will almost certainly kill and eat a guinea pig if it had the chance.

Can gerbils and guinea pigs live together?

Yes in the smae cage, but no as they need separate living spaces. Not because of dominance but dietary needs.helloo, Keeping a gerbil and a guinea pig is really not a good idea they will fight and the guinea pig may kill the gerbil.

Can you use a cage for that was meant for a rat for a guinea pig?

Yes, but if the rat cage has built in tunnels and wheels, take out the wheel and tunnels, because the guinea pig might try to spin on the wheel or climb through the tunnels, and that could KILL IT!!! you see, guinea pigs have very fragile spines, so they can't bend in that "U" shape, or else their spines will snap._________NO NO NO!! It may be WAAY to small from them! I agree with the person above me, Their spines cant bend that way. The only exersize most guinea pigs get are walking around in their cage.

Do you have to kill Guinea Pigs if they scratch you?

No, there is no reason to kill a guinea pig for scratching someone.

Is it ok for guniea pigs and rabbits to drink out of the same bowl?

No. It is not ok to have them in the same cage, as rabbits have very strong legs, and can very easily kick a guinea pig and kill it.

Is a bunny a good companion for a guinea pig?

Rabbits/Bunnies do NOT make good cage mates for Guinea Pigs. The Guinea Pig needs another of its own kind to thrive. Even if it does have another Guinea Pig partner, the Rabbit/Bunny may try to kill, hurt, or eat them. I hope this answers your question!

Is rodent poison also used to kill wild guinea pigs?

If it can kill a person then I'm positive it can kill a guinea pig

What animals can guinea pigs live with?

well its recomended that two female guinea pigs live together. if you put three guinea pigs (female, male,nad another male ) they could kill eachother because there fighting over the female but i recomend if you get males and females get seperate cages or get a cubes and coroplast cage you can learn more at and seperate half of the cage for guys and girls or combine them witha equal amount of sexes ex.2 males and 2 females. but i recomend getting all females unless you would like to breed them. also if your guinea pig gets pregnant remove the male because hecould kill the babies if the wants to mate again.