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The facility would have to comply with whatever requirement the private health insurance company desires.

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Q: Would a drug and alcohol treatment facility need to be accredited in order to accept private health insurance as payment from it's client's?
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Related questions

Are there any government assistant programs for a alcohol treatment facility?

You might possibly get your insurance company to help you with alcohol rehab. In many cases your policy will cover it. Also, many state and municipal governments offer subsidized/free alcohol treatment centers.

What kind of options does one have for alcohol and drug abuse treatment?

There are many options for alcohol and drug abuse treatment. There are 12 step programs, non-12 step programs and faith-based programs, to name a few. You can also get treatment at a inpatient residential facility, outpatient facility or a day facility.

Where can I find an outpatient alcohol treatment facility in Wisconsin?

You can find an outpatient alcohol treatment facility in Wisconsin at Another good website is There's a list of alcohol treatment centers nationwide at For Wisconsin go to

Can I have my teenager admitted for drug and alcohol treatment if he is unwilling?

If you have a teenager who is doing drugs and is out of control, they need to drawn into a drug treatment facility.

Where might one find an alcohol treatment facility?

Alcohol treatment facilities are commonly found in many towns. There is a listing within the Yellow Pages telephone directory and also can be accessed via a G.P.

What factors make an alcohol rehab facility successful?

An alcohol rehab facility is successful because of the inpatient treatment that is offered. While the patient is in the facility, there is no temptation of alcohol, and no pressure to take any. Therefore, the environment allows the patient to totally focus on the rehab without risk of a relapse. For more information about alcohol rehab facilities check out the Drug Rehab website.

Do most insurance companies cover alcohol treatment facilities?

It depends on the coverage. Some insurers cover substance abuse treatment program and rehab, some do not. Some have degrees of coverage (will pay a percentage) while other may cover outpatient treatment but not a residential facility. Check with your provider for the details specific to your policy.

What are Inpatient alcohol treatment centers?

Inpatient rehab for alcohol abuse is an intensive form of substance use disorder treatment where patients reside in an addiction treatment facility as they undergo specific types of therapies. Patients in inpatient alcohol rehab eat their meals and sleep in their chosen facility and commonly have the option to invite loved ones to visit them during designated times of the day or week.

Where is there a local Alcohol Treatment Center near me?

Visit the following website: Narrow your search by state and then city to find an alcohol treatment facility in your area. There ares several alcohol treatment centers all over the country in every state. You did not provide me with your location so I cant give one near you.

Does tran x have anything to do with transformaters?

"Tran X is a drug and alcohol treatment facility located in Auckland, New Zealand and has noting at all to do with transformaters."

What is the success rate for a person battling alcohol addictions?

Success rates for alcohol addictions vary depending on a variety of factors - such as joining a sponsored group (like AA) or seeking treatment in a rehab facility.

Is alcohol treatment center stay covered by health insurance policies?

Your insurance provider can help you with that information. Whether treatment is covered, and to what extent, depends on the health insurance policy. Before seeking treatment, you and your wife should know what benefits you have and what out-of-pocket expenses are involved. You'll find a toll-free number on your insurance card that you can call for assistance.