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Q: Would a farmer living in the Tidewater or in the backcountry be more likely to support the Virginia government?
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How was life in the tide water different from life in the backcountry south?

The tidewater South was dominated by large plantations, which used slave labor on a massive scale in growing cash crops. The Southern backcountry was much poorer, and survived on small family farms. Most backcountry whites were too poor to own slaves, and generally grew enough to feed their families. After Abraham Lincoln was elected President, many in the tidewater South feared that Lincoln planned to end slavery, and were therefore the most vocal advocates of secession. Many backcountry southerners resented the rich planters of the tidewater, and were less likely to support secession. This divide even led a number of backcountry Virginia counties to secede from newly-secedeed Virgina, staying in the Union and forming the state of West Virginia.

Did Patrick Henry support the Virginia plan?

Patrik Henry Did support the Virginia plan ,however he was very afraid of a strong central government and thought that it would just develop into a monarchy.

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There were a lot of loyalists living in the backcountry of Georgia and South Carolina

Why was the support of Virginia and New York important to the U.S. Constitution?

without the support of these important states the new national government would surely fail.

If support arrearages exist when does it end in Virginia?

If support arrearages exist when do it ends in Virginia

What idea regarding States' rights did Kentucky and Virginia resolution support?

They supported the idea that states could challenge the federal government.

Why did Nathaniel Bacon and his followers rebel against the government of Virginia?

Because govenor Berckly lessened his support for them thus leaving them open for Indian atacks

Did Roger Sherman support the Virginia Plan?

virginia plan

Which plan of government offered at the philadelphia convention would small states probably support?

The Virginia plan! It said that representation in Congress would be based on population.

Did Gouverneur Morris support New Jersey or Virginia Plan?

Virginia plan

Under the Virginia Plan representation in congress would would have been based on?

The representation was based on the states population and the amount of money it gave to support the central government.

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