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Q: Would a gopher eat a parsley plant?
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What does parsley eat?

Parsley is a plant. Plants do not eat, they make their food from sunlight.

Will gophers eat yarrow root?

Gophers prefer to eat other plants than yarrow. Plant nurseries call it gopher resistant but not gopher proof.

Does a black swallowtail butterfly eat parsley?

The larval stage of Eastern Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) does have parsley as one of its host plants, meaning: the caterpillars eat parsley (as well as dill and carrot tops.) If you see them in your garden-- don't kill them! Plant more parsley and enjoy the beautiful adult stage.

What dose gopher frog eat?

The adult gopher frog feeds on a variety of insects and other prey, including beetles, grasshoppers, spiders and worms. Its big mouth also enables it to eat larger prey, such as other frogs and toads. In difference to the adults, the tadpoles feed on plant matter.

Do owls eat gopher snakes?

No. Gopher snakes are smaller than rattlesnakes, and unlike rattlesnakes, are not poisonous. Gopher snakes are very popular as pets because of their docility. If a gopher snake ever attacked a rattlesnake, the odds are the gopher snake would lose miserably.

Can slugs eat parsley?

Slugs can eat parsley. Slugs can eat anything, even if it kills it.

Can you eat a gopher snake?

i think you can

Can parsley tea cause a miscarriage?

Parsley is considered a uterine stimulant, which may lead to miscarriage.

What do gopher tortoises eat?

plant called wiregrass is so used to fire that it germinates, or grows, out of its seeds, after a fire. The bare soil that remains after a fire is a soft and fertile soil bed. The wiregrass plant uses this soil bed to put down its roots. Without regular fires, wiregrasses might be taken over by trees and other plants that grow faster and taller. An animal in Florida that likes to eat wiregrass is the gopher tortoise. Wiregrass is a big part of a gopher tortoise's diet, so regular fires mean gopher tortoises have a regular food supply.

How do you eat a stove?

What the heck, you can't eat a stove. what are you a gopher

What herbs can cats eat?

Catnip, Alyssum, Parsley, Peppermint, Silver vine, Spider plant, Cat thyme, and Heather are a few.

Do cows eat cow parsley?

Of course cows eat parsley, they are allergic to tomatoes though