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Q: Would a person burn on neptune?
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Would a human being burn on neptune?

No, there is no free oxygen in Neptune's atmosphere and you are too far from the sun for sunburn..

Would a normal person be able to live on neptune?


What kind of person would live on Neptune?

An imaginary one.

What would a 175 pound person weigh on neptune?


What would a 100-pound person weigh on neptune?

They would weigh 112.5lbs.

How fast could you run on Neptune?

A person on Neptune would not be able to run let alone survive. The immense gravity would quickly crush them.

How much would a 70 pound person weigh in neptune?


How much would a 90 pound person wight on neptune?

107 pounds

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What would a 150 pound person weigh on venus?

A 150 pound person would weigh 179 pounds on Neptune. The surface gravity on Neptune is 119% of Earth's surface gravity.

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Can you see the neptune person from a telescope?

No, Neptune is a mythical god of the sea and he cannot be seen. A person on the planet Neptune coud not be seen with a telescope unless it was near the planet Neptune.