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Before pediatricians and psychiatrists were familiar with Asperger's Syndrome, some of them thought the parents who said there was something wrong with their children were exaggerating, delusional, over-protective, and, in some cases, abusive parents with Munchausen by proxy. (For mention of parents being thought to have Munchausen by proxy because their children had AS, see the links below.)

I do not know of Munchausen by proxy cases where the parent or guardian attempted to make the child appear to have Asperger's Syndrome, but this does not mean it has not happened. There are other conditions that would be easier to fake by giving the child medicines or chemicals, since some of the social skills impairments (lack of eye contact, avoidance of social contact) would be harder to replicate with drugs. However, many medical professionals' unfamiliarity with Asperger's Syndrome diagnoses could make it an attractive option for Munchausen by proxy, since the professionals might not have been exposed to it previously. Asperger's Syndrome also has the advantage of not being able to be diagnosed with laboratory tests. However, using Asperger's Syndrome means the parent might need to engage in lengthy descriptions of AS before receiving the desired sympathy and attention from others. Unfortunately, I cannot give you a definitive answer on whether the condition of Asperger's has been the goal of an abusive parent via Munchausen by proxy.

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11y ago

Munchausen syndrome by proxy can be a form of child abuse if the victim is a child. Nearly all victims are children. However, there are many cases of disabled siblings, elderly parents, and even friends and romantic partners being used as the proxy instead of children.

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Anybody can suffer from a mental illness.

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Q: Would a person with Munchausen by proxy simulate Asperger's Syndrome in a child?
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The scientific name for Munchausen syndrome is Factitious disorder imposed on self. It is a mental health condition where a person feigns or exaggerates physical or psychological symptoms in order to gain attention or sympathy.

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You cannot cure Asperger's Syndrome. It is a neurological condition that affects how the brain works, so rather than curing it, people with Asperger's Syndrome can learn or be taught some methods to deal with some of its effects. They can also be given medications that can treat some of the symptoms, but not the cause. There is no cure for Aspergers Syndrome. There are a number of ways that a person with Aspergers can be helped to live a good quality, independent life which is sometimes made difficult by the condition.

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What are the symptoms of aspergers syndrome?

Some of the symptoms of aspergers include failure to make eye contact, failure to pick up on facial cues, unusual facial expressions, and an inability to connect with others. These symptoms may change as a person gets older and learns how to better adapt to society. is an excellent resource to learn more about syndrome, as well as

Do most children with Aspergers Syndrome have bad handwriting?

It all just really depends what they are like. Some can write big and sloppy and some can write neat and tidy. An Aspergers person can write neater or sloppier than anyone else. It doesn't change them, just how they behave and socialize. Edit: Poor handwriting is in fact more common in Aspergers. But not always.

Is it possible to have symptoms for a mental disorder cause your mind wants you to have one?

Munchausen syndrome - a type of factitious disorder, or mental illness, in which a person repeatedly acts as if he or she has a physical or mental disorder when, in truth, he or she has caused the symptoms.

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Inflicting pain to oneself would be Munchausen's Syndrome. One who inflicts pain upon others is a sadist (although the textbook DSM-IV version of this also requires that the pain is inflicted without the victim's consent). A person who enjoys someone else inflicting pain upon them is a masochist.- I don't know who answered this question before me but I'd like to clarify:a sadist is someone who likes to inflict pain/likes to see people in paina masochist is someone who likes to feel pain inflicted by themselves and/or othersand someone with Munchausen's syndrome is a person who makes themselves sick/pretends to be sick/worsens a pre-existing illness; to get attentionalso a person with Munchausen by proxy is someone who makes another person sick (usually a child) to get sympathy/attention

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