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A planet with fewer active volcanoes would have more craters, as the ash and lava from volcanoes will cover existing craters.

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Q: Would a planet with active or less active volcanoes have more craters?
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What planet is covered by active volcanoes?

The planet Venus is covered with volcanoes from the immense heat from CO2 in its atmosphere. Venus got its name from the Roman (or Greek idk) god of love because of its "shining beauty" from the light of the lava rivers. Many believe that they would have switched its name with Mars (planet named after god of war) they would have known its intensely hostile climate. Mars also has volcanoes but none are active.

Which planet has most volcanoes?

The planet Earth has the most active volcanoes.Mars had the largest volcano known in the solar systemVenus had the most volcanoes.Io a moon of Jupiter has the most active volcanoes in the Solar System, with over 400.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earth has the most active volcanoes where as Mars has the biggest volcanoe in the universe but the planet which has the most volcanoes would be Venus.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A difficult question as it depends on whether you include active, inactive or dormant.Including all of them, then Venus, followed by Earth and then Mars.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forgetting planets, then Io a moon of Jupiter is the most active volcanic body in our Solar System with over 400 known active volcanoes.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Very easy answer . . . Venus has perhaps up to a million volcanoes. For sure it has more than 100,000 volcanoes - we cannot yet tell how many of these are active, or temporarily dormant.

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There are several active volcanoes in Mexico. Two of them would be the Popocatepetl and Colima volcanoes.

Does planet Neptune have good craters?

what exactly do you mean by good crater?? Neptune would not have any craters on the outer surface because it is a gas planet, the core maybe might have craters but i could not say for sure

Where would you find the most active volcanoes in the eastern part central part or the western part?

there are no active volcanoes in montana

Does eris have volcanoes?

While we can barely detect that Eris exists (much less see if it has any craters) I would be surprised if it does not have any craters. So far, every body with a solid surface has craters. Except Venus, and I think that the reason we haven't seen craters on Venus is the fact that the atmosphere of Venus is an impenetrable haze.

Where would you find the most active volcanoes in the US?

volcanoes are in everywhere but you will find it now

How many places would you find volcanoes?

Volcanoes, active, dormant or fossil are ubiquitous.

Which planet has the tallest volcano?

The most geologically active planet I know if Venus, which has constant eruptions which keep the crust of the planet looking very new. There are also a few moons of Jupiter, Io in particular that have similar processes going on. Io is the most volcanic body in the solar system it has 400 active volcanoes 10 of which are higher than Mt. Everest. Comment: Venus has the most volcanoes, but how active they are is still uncertain.

How many craters are on Mercury?

There are lots of craters on Mercury. For a more precise answer, we would first want to specify the size, by asking for example how many craters of at least one meter in diameter are there on Mercury.

If a planet had a surface with craters but no other features what would you say about the inside of the planet?

um i dont know u should know:)

How would a planet have an all carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Such an atmosphere on a planet would be the result of carbon dioxide emitted from volcanoes.